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No growth pains - Kuzzy - 22-04-2013

I've been on the nbe quest for a bit over a year now and am starting to become a lil disheartened by the lack of growth, I haven't experienced any budding, any extra sensitivity in the nips, maybe had a lil fat redistribution. My testes have shrunk a lil bit, the sex drive is down a bit.
I've been taking BIOVEA pm for about 6 months nothing less than 1500 mg a day I tried adding sp and wild yam along with it but still nothing.
Why am I not growing?

RE: No growth pains - SarahSchilling - 22-04-2013

Get the full range of hormone testing done and you'll know. Otherwise, you'll just be guessing. Sorry I can't be of more help.... I'm in the same boat as you after a bit of growth early on.

Taking a month off of everything but milk thistle to cleanse with and going to get my blood tested next month. It's been two weeks since I stopped taking anything, and it sucks. I'm breaking out like a teenager and really want to smoke lol.

Even if you refuse to get your blood tested....after over a year you could probably use a long break either way. Good luck!

RE: No growth pains - flamesabers - 22-04-2013

Perhaps you need to take a higher dosage of pm to achieve growth? Another possibility is trying a different brand of pm.

RE: No growth pains - Kuzzy - 23-04-2013

I haven't had my bloods done, I was on 4000 mg for a few months last year but didn't result in anything, took a month off pm and used fg for 2 weeks during that time off, they swelled abit but dissappered after I stopped. I've tried cycling doses ie a few days of 1500 mg then a few days of 3000-4000. I think I may change brands after I finish my s
upply of biovea think I've still got 3 bottles left

RE: No growth pains - Lenneth - 23-04-2013

flamesabers ' Wrote:  Another possibility is trying a different brand of pm.

my thought as well

RE: No growth pains - MonikaT - 23-04-2013

I'm surprised nobody has piped in and said that wild yam is a waste of money. Some believe it helps, some say the human body can't convert it to anything hormonally useful and requires some sort of laboratory to make it into a bio-identical hormone of choice. Maybe PM just doesn't work for you, but BO would.

RE: No growth pains - Marina Kits - 23-04-2013

I was thinking different brand too but I've not been here long enough or used anything but Ainterol so I figured it would be best to stay quiet. I'd be very frustrated if I were you. A year and several bucks spent on something that isn't doing what you desperately hope for would bother me too. Bovine ovary would probably be my next attempt if Ainterol PM doesn't do the trick.

RE: No growth pains - Misty0732 - 23-04-2013

(22-04-2013, 07:35 PM)Kuzzy Wrote:  I tried adding sp and wild yam along with it but still nothing.

What brand and concentration of SP are you taking? Do you have symptoms of high DHT (like lots of body hair and balding on top)?


RE: No growth pains - Kuzzy - 24-04-2013

Natures sunshine sp is what I used 550 mg per tablet, yeah I got body hair, hate it with a passion! And have been going bald since I was 21 so 12 years,

RE: No growth pains - Misty0732 - 24-04-2013

(24-04-2013, 04:30 AM)Kuzzy Wrote:  Natures sunshine sp is what I used 550 mg per tablet, yeah I got body hair, hate it with a passion! And have been going bald since I was 21 so 12 years,

OK, it's obvious that you have high DHT (dihydrotestosterone, some people call it "super" testosterone). SP helps block it but you are taking a very low dose. I suggest switching to another brand and looking for "standardized extract". Usually the standardized extract seems like a lower dosage (generally 160 mg/tablet) but you get much more of the active ingredient than you do from the "whole fruit" tablet you are taking now. Once you get the standardized extract of the SP I would suggest slowly ramping up from 320 mg/day (two tablets) to 640 mg/day (four tablets) and see if that doesn't help. I'm not an expert here but I do know that SP blocks the conversion of T to DHT so that should help control your levels. Maybe Abi will check this thread and add more info (she is very knowledgeable on the effects of SP).

I really think you'll need to get the DHT down before you'll see results.

Good luck!
