Breast Growth For Genetic Males
Help me here if you can ? - Printable Version

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Help me here if you can ? - julieTG - 29-11-2013

Help me here,
Ok all this week I have been on the line of either stopping or running at a maintenance dose,
Breasts now are cute and hide-able,
However mentally feel really good, ie calm, industrious, relaxed , balanced, so not want to lose that but I am starting to notice a shift and it’s a real dual switch,
In the morning , I want breasts, love them , love the way they look and feel , and take the herbs,
Mid day , I am , and I am doing this WHY ?
By evening I DO NOT WANT THEM AT ALL; , do not like them and must stop this nonsense ,
The switch is dramatic to say the least, ?
Pondering best way forward on this one,
Ideas and thought s most welcome, as now confused,

RE: Help me here if you can ? - Miranda-nata-est - 29-11-2013

I do it the other way around - I wake at three in the morning most nights and decide point blank 'no more' - then by about 10 next morning I am back to grow mode and hitting the PM.

That said, I have stopped all input for the last two days with every intention of staying 'clean' for a time whilst considering just what I am doing to myself.


RE: Help me here if you can ? - myboobs - 29-11-2013

For me there is no such thoughts !! I want min B cup Smile

RE: Help me here if you can ? - Karren - 29-11-2013

One of your split personalities is female (a morning person) and the other male (an evening person)... lol

RE: Help me here if you can ? - Lotus - 29-11-2013

Hi Julie,

Just curious how long have you been taking Pm?....

What else do you take?

RE: Help me here if you can ? - flamesabers - 30-11-2013

Hi Julie,

It sounds like your mind is quite at war with itself. If you were new to NBE I would suggest reconsidering whether NBE is suitable for you.

Have you tried going cold-turkey for a week or two? It may be worth it to see if you feel better when you are off the herbs than while you are taking them.

RE: Help me here if you can ? - JennyGenesis - 30-11-2013

Hi Julie,

I've had the EXACT same thoughts THIS WEEK. I decided to STOP ALL except multi vitamin and SP. I myself have felt "weird" all week, maybe holidays, family stuff, something else? I am even considering selling my recently purchased bottle of un-opened PM. Just received a bottle of PM on the 27th to make it through the next few festivities but no longer want it. I don't know what this means but at the same time..... I'm NOT looking for answers. Maybe it's just the time of year with all the family obligation crap... who knows??

All I'm doing right now is.... take a deep breath, and hope it makes sense soon...

I have nothing else to offer.... I wish you luck....


RE: Help me here if you can ? - Pansy-Mae - 30-11-2013

I can't remember how much PM you are taking and at what times during the day, but my suggestion would be to cut back to maybe 3, or even 2x500mg per day for several weeks at least, and alter the routine so that you take most at night and then just one, say, at lunchtime.

I've found that a high dose brings on the "STOP" reaction and a 'no-dose' makes me need to start again. For me it isn't as extreme as you are describing, but sounds similar. We did have discussions about this general topic a couple of years back and it isn't uncommon, as I recall.

RE: Help me here if you can ? - julieTG - 30-11-2013

Karen, ha yes very good

Restarted pm mid june this year, but only been on spearmint 2 weeks

Spearmint has dropped my t and calmed me down so could be that

If I am on pm alone I grow and it just makes me horny

Very worrying that we seem so at mercy just for a few hormones and herbs


RE: Help me here if you can ? - julieTG - 30-11-2013


Yes will be going cold turkey soon to see

Itchy scratch , itchy scratch,
