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Greetings from India. - Printable Version

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Greetings from India. - aanvi - 16-05-2021

Hello everyone,

My name is Aanvi (for now), and I come from India. I’m 34 years old, and have been a regular visitor (lurker) to this wonderful forum for over 10 years. It’s been close to 3 decades now that I’ve been dealing with gender issues, but like a lot of people, never really had the courage to do something about it. Now, I feel it’s no longer possible for me to hide, and it’s time for my true self to come to life. I believe a visit to a therapist is on the cards soon, but I’ve decided to go the herbal route for the next year (need time to get used to the new me), and prepare myself for major changes over the next few years.

I’m currently with a wonderful woman, who for some reason finds me tolerable ;-). As a first step, I’ll be coming out to her over the next month or so. We’re currently in lockdown, and she lives in a different city, but thankfully it’s a short drive. I have major hopes that she will stand by me, and be the support I would need to do this. That apart, I’ve been a bit of a loner, so staying away from people is a skill I have excelled at for decades now :-D.

I’ve already placed an order for PM (Ainterol), Fish Oil (Biovea - 1200 mg), Spearmint Tea, Progesterone Cream (this for later), and will be including Reishi (need help here), White Peony (Life Extension), and Shatavari (Organic India/Himalaya). Any tips and tricks to get started? Do note, I’ve never been on any supplements.

Breast growth and fat redistribution over the next year would be nice. I plan to take things slow, and if things work out, then accelerate accordingly. I’d really be grateful fo all the help I can get in this journey.

Thank you very much.



P.S. I’m sorry I made it all about myself. I hope everybody is doing well.

RE: Greetings from India. - Happyme - 16-05-2021

Hi Aanvi.
You are in good company here, as lots of us have been in the same predicament.

First off stay safe, the news the world gets from India is not very good as for the virus.

Next add calcium to your PM. PM will suck the calcium out of you and you'll have joint pains.

I used Hawaii Pharmacy ( online) for Reishi. I got the liquid and take it sublingual.

I think your doing well to start slowly try 500mg PM for a few weeks than try 1000 for a couple months then slowly to 2000.

Just as a good reference point I would check Blood pressure on a regular basis when your on PM
I and other have experience blood clots and High blood pressure. I dont think this is an instant problem but I'd like you to be the test baby to see when it becomes a problem.
It will return to normal after some time off the PM and that's the good news

So good luck and keep in touch

RE: Greetings from India. - aanvi - 17-05-2021

(16-05-2021, 09:21 PM)Happyme Wrote:  Hi Aanvi.
You are in good company here, as lots of us have been in the same predicament.

First off stay safe, the news the world gets from India is not very good as for the virus.

Next add calcium to your PM. PM will suck the calcium out of you and you'll have joint pains.

I used Hawaii Pharmacy ( online) for Reishi. I got the liquid and take it sublingual.

I think your doing well to start slowly try 500mg PM for a few weeks than try 1000 for a couple months then slowly to 2000.

Just as a good reference point I would check Blood pressure on a regular basis when your on PM
I and other have experience blood clots and High blood pressure. I dont think this is an instant problem but I'd like you to be the test baby to see when it becomes a problem.
It will return to normal after some time off the PM and that's the good news

So good luck and keep in touch

Hi Bobbi,

Thank you very much.

Things are getting better here. I admit it’s been a bit rough, but trust the media to make it look even worse. Lockdowns have helped, and the numbers are going down again.

I’ve made notes about calcium from some of the discussions on other threads, but is there a recommended dosage?

Hawaii Pharmacy could end up being a customs issue. I’ll look for other brands. So, how many drops would that be, or would you rather I mix it in water?

I’ll start with 1/day for a week, and 2/day from week 2 for about 2 months?  Do I have to go off PM for a week after 3 weeks? And, I’ll certainly keep monitoring my blood pressure.

You’ve been so kind, thank you..



RE: Greetings from India. - Happyme - 17-05-2021

Hi Aanvi

Good to hear that India is coming back! and as usual the media is selling its news via scare tactics.

As for the reishi, you can mix it in water, but sublingual is best since it bypasses the liver filtering most of it out.
.5ml is a good start.
PM breaks are still debatable, lots of girls take a break to let the body reset, to avoid a plateau.

Try what works for you, unfortunately the is no right rt wrong way for the details.
Just remember to take it slow. Too fast will do harm and not row your breast any faster

For some light reading haha
Try Lotus thread

Start at page 431 to the end, and then start at the beginning if you dare.

Lotus is brilliant in her research, and explains everything along the way. Hence its a lot of reading.

Happy growing