Breast Growth For Genetic Males
MAXIMUM RESULTS with Minimal Side Effects - Printable Version

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MAXIMUM RESULTS with Minimal Side Effects - BustyBear - 04-04-2023

I started playing around with supple nips a year and a half ago (First Picture), and one thing lead to the other - I realized my intense desire to have large breasts, but otherwise retaining my male identity and sexual functioning. There are many routes to get there, but many of them have other feminizing effects, which in large part I wanted to avoid. It astounds me that there are so many men growing breasts, but most of them were using very strong herbs like PM, or bovine ovary that had other undesirable effects.

After all of my research, I decided on a combination of what I consider to be the 3 most important safest herbs that work together for slow, but steady breast growth. The combination of Fenugreek, Fennel, and Saw Palmetto was the perfect trifecta that gave me my first 6 months of moderate growth (Second Picture). What I struggled with was what dosing would help me straddle my elusive goals. After experimentation, I found natureday products that have balanced these herbs along with dong quai and blessed thistle. I started using it, and my results immediately increased. The pills work great, but by far the tincture is the strongest. I take either 3 pills daily, or 1-2 droppers full orally. Sometimes I will use two droppers full and apply directly on my breasts - this seems to be a little less intense of an approach, but I like the thought of localizing these phytoestrogens to the breast tissue rather than floating around my entire body. The cream also works, and can be used in combination (it definitely added some serious tingles) but I wouldn't suggest it alone. I will use it occasionally if I feel growth stalling.

Seeing continued growth over the next year, but being immersed deeply in the pink fog my slow but steady growth soon wasn't doing it for me. The natureday products are marketed toward men and women, but the formula is the same and I decided it needed some tweaking. I started to experiment with adding other herbs and had some successes and failures. What ultimately worked for me was adding hops 620mg daily along with the natureday - my body responded really well to the increased estrogen and growth sped up dramatically. Occasionally I add in something that stimulates prolactin (like goats rue) for an extra kick to my system. Also, L-Argentine has been important daily to assist in keeping sexual functions.

Recently, I started using noogleberry (breast pumping) and feel a new fullness and growth has REALLY exploded the past two months to the point where it is very difficult to hide my breasts (Thankfully, I don't want to anyway other than around family). I really wish I had started this process at the beginning I couldn't imagine where I would be at - I would highly suggest breast pumping alongside other methods. Also, in order to increase the size of my nipples and areolas, I also purchased an electric nipple pump and there is definitely a broadening of pigmentation and new tissues forming fast.

The biggest takeaway no matter what your goals or methods are is to listen to your body!!! I used my sexual function as a barometer to increase or decrease dosing along the way. I struggled in the beginning feeling like my breasts were "moobs", and througout the process there have been ups and downs, and questions about my masculinity. But ultimately, the more my breasts grew, the better I felt about myself and truly I now truly enjoy the feeling of having large effeminate breasts. Being a man with very large breasts gives me an odd sense of confidence that I never had with my body and I love any positive attention they receive. And wow are they just fun! Thankfully my partner while not initially enthusiastic has been very supportive, but it is interesting to see how many others are "into" guys with breasts - it's more than you'd think Smile . I hope this helps some of you in your own breast growth journeys and is an answer to all of you who ask how I grew my breasts so large. I'll try and add some links to all of the products I've found so helpful. I personally, have no intention of stopping this process until my body decides my breasts have fully grown, and I can't wait to see how massive they will become....TBD!

Best of luck in your titular conquests!


RE: MAXIMUM RESULTS with Minimal Side Effects - ChuckM - 04-04-2023

+1 to adding pumping to any NBE regimen. I have found it to be very effective. 

Best regards,

RE: MAXIMUM RESULTS with Minimal Side Effects - insfca - 27-05-2023

Thank you, BustyBear. Love this post. Your progress is amazing. I'm going to add Fennel to my regimen and see what happens!

RE: MAXIMUM RESULTS with Minimal Side Effects - Owllee - 28-05-2023

Thank you for your great post!

Your progress after starting pumping is extraordinary.

What sort of routine do  you follow?

How long have you been doing it?

I only added pumping 3 weeks ago and it has been very encouraging.


mick151970 - mick151970 - 04-09-2023

This was very helpful.  Thank you.