Breast Growth For Genetic Males
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Hello New Here - BGT4190 - 29-05-2023

44 year old bisexual male here just starting out on my personal supplement and transformation journey, have been reasearching here about feminizing using the methods on these forums and elsewhere and recently began experimenting for myself. I'm 5-11 170, not as interested in growing breasts as much as plumping up my ass and legs a bit, which I think are already a decent foundation, mine having a somewhat feminine appearance to begin with. Would also love to have softer, puffier arms and a more feminine hip and belly fat distribution but not neccesarily ready for a full male to female transformation. It's required for me to present publicly as a male, this is what I'm good at and comfortable with because of family, living and work situations.

I've been taking PM for 2 weeks and am seeing some big changes for me relatively speaking, having never tried anything like this before. Within days I could feel my nipples getting itchy and sore, can now feel buds under the nipples even poking out a little bit. Skin is remarkably soft and clear, already hoping I don't look too pretty and someone notices the difference! Big thing I noticed is my facial hair growth has slowed to a snail's pace, shaved friday and can barely feel a stubble 3 days later.. Only taking 1000 mg PM daily with multivitimans. I run and walk a mile daily, do quick 15 minutes weight lifting and work on the legs and butt on the weekends.

I ordered white peony and licorice root for their anti androgenic properties, eager to see what effects these have on my manhood. Could use some help in the receding hairline department and if these solved that issue alone would be worth it. I saw a study somewwhere and believe this combo worked better than propecia on mice.

Another thing arriving for me this week is a bottle of Bi-est 5.0 from amazon. Apparently has bioidentical Estradiol and I saw someone on reddit that had quick results applying this on their scrotum twice daily. I saw that people also rub this stuff on their butts, would do it myself it it localized the effect and minimized breast growth, not that I'm against breast growth but would prefer if I could minimize it.

I've also considered cutting to the chase and homebrewing estrogel, looks like you can brew a lifetime supply for cheap and could experiment at your own pace with the real deal. But I have to take it slow and see what I can get away with.

My only complaint so far concerning PM is that I feel a little bit emotional and depressed, I hope this isn't what estrogen does and I hope women and trans women don't feel this way all the time.

RE: Hello New Here - Stevenator_ - 29-05-2023

You’re going to experience several mental changes over the few months, as well as physical ones, too. PM/E2 will make more emotional, but it’ll even out and if anything, you’ll become more empathetic.

The depression you mentioned is a new one to me, so maybe someone else can chime in on that. PM is awesome though. You’ll most likely eventually love the way it makes you feel.

I was on PM for 4.5 years and I’m almost at three years on HRT now, and the only facial changes I’ve experienced is a softer appearance. The older you are when you start this, the less likely you’ll have major facial changes.

As Lotus once said, the older you are when you start, Testosterone has already had decades to lock it’s changes in place. If anything, people will start to ask you if you’re losing weight, because “fat shifting” is moving fat from your face & typical male body fat areas, to more feminine fat distribution areas.

You’ll lose it in your face, neck, hands, forearms, feet & calves. It’ll eventually wind up with typical female fat areas, bigger butt, hips and of course breasts.

I’d caution on the use of Licorice Root. There’s a lot of information about Licorice in the Breast Growing Notes thread with several *warnings. I don’t have them memorized, because I saw all those red flags and just decided to avoid it. Red Reishi is the AA of choice here, and White Peony is great, too.

Best of Luck to you and welcome to the forum. Everyone here is very friendly. Study the Breast Growing Notes and Project-X threads. Lotus has provide us with lots of science research here.

RE: Hello New Here - BGT4190 - 29-05-2023

[unnecessary quoting removed]

Thanks for the welcome and info. have to look into what you said about the licorice root, to be honest I'm not really that concerned with blocking T as full transitioning is not an option for me, hopefully the white peony would be sufficient or if I switch to estrogel and go crazy wouldn't need one at all.

Yes I'm a little bit late to the party at 44 but I think my body is in good shape for my age, just interested in experimenting and seeing what can be done. I'm not going to fight it if my boobs develop as long as they stay small as would be expected, worst case at 44 not a big deal to me ending up with man boobs.

Encouraging to hear about the fat redistribution and is mainly what I'm interested in, although my face is already gaunt enough as it is!
Regarding the strange feelings I experienced last few days being on PM, emotional stress, strange dreams with vivid hallucinations, maybe just things going on in life if it's not a common thing for others.

RE: Hello New Here - Stevenator_ - 29-05-2023

Don’t worry about being late to the party. I started 10 years after you did, and I’m 61.

From the Breast Growing Notes thread:

Use with extreme caution

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)-Anti-androgenic and activates alpha and beta estrogen receptors and blocks 5-ar - Strong, but take in moderation!

-Licorice can raise blood pressure--a function of glycyrrhizin's action on the adrenal glands--so avoid taking more than the recommended dosage. If you take licorice for more than four weeks, have your blood pressure checked. (Stop taking the herb at the first sign of high blood pressure; this side effect is reversible.)

-At high doses taken over long periods of time, licorice can result in excessive salt loss from the blood, heart irregularities, and other serious health problems. Symptoms of this type of overdose may include headache, swelling, stiffness, shortness of breath, upper abdominal pain, and lethargy, among others.

RE: Hello New Here - BGT4190 - 29-05-2023

[unnecessary quoting removed]

Good info about the licorice will stay away don't want to mess with blood pressure and would rather avoid putting anything unneccesary in my body.

RE: Hello New Here - flamesabers - 29-05-2023

Hello BGT4190,

Welcome to the forum! Cool

Emotions and PM can be a tricky thing, as it doesn't affect everyone equally (or at all in some cases). I think one factor that may influence how a person responds to PM is their sense of gender identity. In general, low testosterone can trigger depression in cis men. I'm not sure how PM or other herbs can impact testosterone levels, but surely they must lower it to some extent in order to incur physical feminization to some degree. Another possibility with being on PM (for those who are much closer to the feminine side of gender identity), is these emotions may be the result of acknowledging one's true self. 

I'm currently in the process of medically transitioning from male to female after years of being on PM. HRT has certainly "unlocked" my range of emotional expression. That's good when I feel happy, but it's a bit of a struggle when I feel those emotional lows. I can no longer just repress, ignore or compartmentalize emotions like I could pre-HRT. I also prefer to talk out my emotions with trusted family and friends, versus just bottling it up inside and hoping it'll all blow over.


RE: Hello New Here - BGT4190 - 30-05-2023

thanks flamesabers, yes it's weird probably just the different stresses I've had going on and/or like you said maybe the low testosterone thing was causing it. Feel better today was just yesterday for the most part. I can say it's highly unusual not to have a full beard started like 1/8 to 1/4 inch after 4 days and barely have a stubble so something going on hormonally because of the PM for sure.

I can understand it must be quite a change for you being on the full hormone regimen, for me personally and probably the case with most other men to a certain extent have pretty much learned how to not feel much of anything emotionally. Seems over time holding in all the stress and emotion starts to kill you physically, eats men from the inside out and anything that can be done to let it out probably a good thing.

RE: Hello New Here - BGT4190 - 04-06-2023

[unnecessary quoting removed]

Just a follow up on my experimentation so far with PM, herbal t blockers and bi-est cream. I discontinued the PM so as not to overtax my body in combination with the other stuff, still haven't tried the t blockers because the white peony seal was broken and I'm leary about the licorice. The real standout is that bi-est cream, got it otc also from amazon. Has 1 mg of Estradiol and 4 mg Estriol per pump and been rubbing in to my balls twice daily as I've seen tried by a few people, it works fast without a doubt but concerned about the actual dosage and safety. Tits are painful, hard and bigger within 3 days of taking this stuff. Need to take a break and regroup because I can tell this delivers serious hormones and don't want my boobs getting out of hand, may opt for estrogel in the near future to at least know the actual dosage.