Breast Growth For Genetic Males
Alternating between PM and BO? - Printable Version

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Alternating between PM and BO? - Brianna - 13-06-2024

Has anyone alternated between PM and BO? I'm liking the results already from BO and the additional supplements that Lotus has recommended but, I would welcome some shrinkage below the waist and it seems PM is more effective for that purpose. 

Looking for your thoughts and input as well as hoping Professor Lotus chimes in. If you have alternated what schedule did you use? What dosages? What kind of results did you see?

RE: Alternating between PM and BO? - wee2er - 13-06-2024

I've never cycled PM & BO, but from my PM & BO experiences PM didn't cause any shrinkage at all, whereas BO has caused a bit.
Thinking back on all the research that I did, in summary I concluded:
- PM promotes breast growth (but not much else other than a loss in libido)
- BO & glandular / HRT promotes all over fat redistribution for feminisation, weaker erections
- complete abstinence from erections / not using down below significantly promotes shrinkage
Which all seems coincide with what I have experienced.
But of course we all react different to the different herbs, pharma etc.

RE: Alternating between PM and BO? - CM213 - 13-06-2024

Yea for shrinkage down stairs, the best phrase comes to mind. You lose what you don't use. The less you use it, and or allow it to to fully get erect the more you will shrink in size (length and girth), as well as ability to be as firm as before. No using in conjunction with no or hrt will increase that dramatically. 

Maybe try considering using a chastity cage, but then again that's a completely different rabbit hole to go down... And def not one this forum is built for lol.

RE: Alternating between PM and BO? - Brianna - 13-06-2024

Thank you both for the info!!!