Breast Growth For Genetic Males
MTFs near 30 hi metabo low weight need growth - Printable Version

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MTFs near 30 hi metabo low weight need growth - fembeast83 - 30-04-2011

I am a minnesota MTF 28yrs old almost 29 soon and have done much NBE over 20 months worth and i went from FLAT as a countertop to a solid fluxuation from AA to A
i'm looking to be a very large B cup Nov2011 or modest C cup by Feb 2012 and a full to extra large C cup by july 2012 or small D cup (at semi small D cup as late as Sept2012(9/23/12)) trying to get noogle berry device from one of two sellers might get boths systems spare parts that way but neither have responded despite three posts in their thread on the market place and a few PM's I don't have a lot of money to work with so i can't afford to try every load em up routine on these boards, i need to be thrifty and go with the least expenssive yet most effective products available.
that chinese made device looks perfect if only we could it in the states
heres the link so you know what im talking about next to noogleberry this device is primo in breast enlargement that is all natural. This thread is for those MTFs that are 26-37yrs old skinny with high metabolism low in weight (less than 69kgs) and want full round female breasts quite large b cup or more with realistic expectations to get there, but need help due to their low weight, limited finances, high metabolism, and our/their wanning youth, in addition to being biologically male to start with and want full feminization irregaurdless to SRS desire though

RE: MTFs near 30 hi metabo low weight need growth - fembeast83 - 30-04-2011

Here i will kick things off by listing what i had done to date
first off as a 62kg biological male i started off flat as a marble countertop literrally
my nips were literrally flush with the skin no stick out at all and in August of 2008 i dediced i was actually going to make the move to feminize, but for a while i didn't know how then i found network54 and eve's breast site(the old one on net54) there i spent the next several months learning and researching the common methods to NBE. So from august 08 to January 2009 i researched researched and researched then i febuary i dediced to get some nbe ingredients which led to starting my nbe journey in mid-late feb continuing in march 2009 til today. my methods are as follows over the course of the time started march'09 with a celestial seasonings tea called weightless containg uva ursi and fennel being the primary ingredients above actual tea leaves i did this alone until july 09 then i was doing fennel seed raw (buy the "spice" jar as it were at the store and eat the fennel seeds right out of the jar) alone until nov 09 were i switched to anise seed until Jan2010 went back to fennel for a while. btw i did fennel seed raw as mentioned earlier while i was still doing that uva ursi + fennel tea until i ran out of three boxes of the tea (4/23/09-6/08/09) anise seed til jan2010 then back 2 fennel seed til march 2010 while doing this at the end of november 09 i got some solaray femcaps to boost my nbe regimine which lasted til feb 2010 started out taking two a day then ramped to three a end of january and mid febuary went 'all-out' up to 8 a day then ran out continued with intermittant use of fennel seed to slow the regression from BO hormones by giving at least phytos to continue to knock down tstr levels (more continual supply of estrogen/estrogen-like compounds to reduce chance of reverting to normal t levels)

RE: MTFs near 30 hi metabo low weight need growth - fembeast83 - 30-04-2011

My starting measurements were at nov'08 33.25 band 33.875 above 34.125 bust
36 or 38 AAAAA cup heck half the time my nipples looking recessed in my skin
by June 09 they were 33.375 under (band) 34.0 above 34.375 bust and by June 2010 it was 33.5 band 34.1875 above 34.625 bust and by jan 2011 they were
33.563 band 34.375 above 35.0 bust and my current measurements are as of 4/24/2011 33.625 band 34.5 above and 35.25 bust for a 36A or 38AA (i hover now between a and aa cup size) anyway to continue the story after a break from nbe till july 23rd 2010 when i ordered some more bovine ovary from ultra breast which began taking mid august when it arrived (used the cheapest slowest delivery option) from mid-august on to january of 2011 i used the 6month supply of ultra breast that i ordered 4-5 pills a day till the end when i went to 9 pills a day to finish it off so in the nearly two years spent on nbe my bust measurement grew a tad over an inch placing me in the teeter point between large AA and small A cup. when i get my noogleberry system (soon as lorajean101 and/or definitelymaybe answer back to buy it)(or i just have to order from website if that be the case) i will also get some more ultrabreast and pueraria mirafica, trying to find a way to get a few prescription estrogen devices which i'll come to later in this post. This should allow me to reach full A cup in 3-4 months large A in 5 months and a very small b cup by Jan 2012.
if i could get that chinese device then my time might be cut by one third.
after i ran out of the ultrabreast in Feb2011 i just loaded up on fat since i was still getting growth after running out of UB (resididual effects are known in a few NBE products) i want to get transfemme but it is outside of my foreseable budget.
thats a recap of what i've done to date that got me an inch after almost two years.
but that 1.25" means from 38AAAAA to 36AAA to 36AA to 36A finally (38AA by most calculators 38A by some but i just barely meet 38 band 36 band is more snug doesn't
fall off at the straps and ride up is minimal, controlled by meager bust almost or slowwed down anyway from bad ride up. they say a guy is supposed to go up a band size which means a should be a 40AA but i think for skinny guys like me down a size works better as a biological female's ribcage is tapered and biological male (transwoman) is not thus a band of 38 wont ride up on a female as it can for a male due to a flat box square ribcage no taper

RE: MTFs near 30 hi metabo low weight need growth - sfem - 02-05-2011

The methods you are using aren't what I used, so I cannot say much about them. But I did want to comment that you might want to try a 34a or even a 34b in a style that has a band with some give. You might find it fits better. The add 4" thing is not really right for a male ribcage in my experience.

RE: MTFs near 30 hi metabo low weight need growth - fembeast83 - 28-05-2011

to update my measurements have changed to very recently about a week and a half ago as of this post 32.625 under (band measuremnet) 34.5 above and 36.0 at bust my chest is or was not sure yet begining a very tapered pattern closer to a females ribcgae i've actually had rib bone shrinkage creating the more tapered shape versus my very male block shape of two months ago
btw i have found that the more my natural estrogen asserts itself the problems i have with saw palmetto slowing stopping or even reversing my breast growth get much worse if fact i lost a quarter inch overnight after trying a pair of herbal breast supplement pills i found in one of more storage bags i kept the jars of it in must dropped a couple pills in there didn't know to now but taking those pills was a mistake rather than boosting my progressing estrogen dominance as my t-levels drop it acctually put a grinding halt to it shows i was better off leaving things alone my body was cooperating so i should have not pushed just cause it was slowing down maybe my diet was only needing boost for better results, well going to see if still possible to get back the wonderful track i was on earlier
also 38B by most brands still seem to fit best though not much to fill them with yet the noogleberry system i waiting to obtain will greatly compensate for my day to day changes as now when i range
from 32.5-32.625 band 34.375-34.625 above and 35.625-36.125 bust it gives me some small but prevalent mass to begin stretching some fingers crossed i might make back my best mass in two months and three months later be very close to a normal plain b cup and four months later a mildly full b cup (2.25" vs 1.75" vs 1.1" currently)(35.75-34.625-32.75)at/above/under