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Sharp pains (archive thread) - admin - 02-08-2011

Sharp pains
August 13 2007 at 8:13 PM
twinklepose (Login twinklepose)


Hi everyone,

I know I've not posted for a while (nothing to report really) but I have been reading the posts and keeping an eye on you all!

I've been taking various concoctions since last November and, a couple of weeks ago, I thought: OK, nothing's happening - it's time to just forget it. At least I tried.

I'd been taking St Herb pills and cream, progesterone cream and saw palmetto, although I've used various products over the months, such as Mirifem and Natureday.

Anyway, apart from the odd tingle here and there, I thought nothing was happenning. I quit the mones and thought I'd carry on happily living my life as I did before.

But now I notice, over the past few days, a sharp pain in both my nipples when I press hard on them. It's more painful on the left side - the larger side. I have to press fairly hard but it's a very sharp pain and it wasn't there before, certainly.

So, can anyone advise what I should do next? Should I start on the mones again (I'd still like small breasts) or should I do nothing? These pains only started after I stopped the E and P. Are these sharp pains a sign that something is finally, finally beginning to happen - or is it yet another false alarm?

I'd really appreciate your help!

Twink x

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Fennel Fairy
(no login) Hi Twink! August 13 2007, 10:22 PM

How many days did it take from you quitting the hormones until you got the pain?

This is usually a sign of stalling. If you have taken too high doses and stalled, your body will not get any growing pains until the levels drop to the ideal level for you. It takes time for the substance to leave your system, so as you reach that perfect level of hormones where you'd grow, you get the pains.

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(Login twinklepose)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Sharp pains August 14 2007, 5:16 PM

Hi FF, thanks for your reply. I'd say roughly a week after I stopped - and I've been off them for about two weeks or so. So what should I do now? If I start again, will it be too much again? Am v confused!

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(Login twinklepose)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Sharp pains August 15 2007, 5:29 PM

Hi everyone. I'd be really grateful if someone could respond and help me out here. I really don't have a clue as to what to do!

Thank you, Twinklepose x

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Fennel Fairy
(no login) Re: Sharp pains August 15 2007, 8:10 PM

If you got pains a week after you stopped the herbs it means you had stalled because the dose was too high. When you start up again, do it on a lower dose.

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(no login) Re: Sharp pains August 15 2007, 8:14 PM

Hi Twink, Good to hear from you again!
First, doing nothing won't help your progress.
How long have you been off the E and P?
Have you been keeping track of what you've been taking and how much?
The Progest cream, is it real progest cream or the wild yam?
These are questions that you need to clarify for us so we can help.
Take a break and after your break,
You might want to start up on the E again first,depending on how much you were taking. and maybe try using less of the progest by limiting it to the last 10 days of the month.
Now, I just want to make clear that this is based on the info. that you've given us. we can judge better when you give us more.
remember Phyto-Es are slow working so you may have finaly made progress and then stopped using them. Your body could have still been using the mones that were still in your system.
Anyways, that all i can say for now untill you give more info.
Take care Twink.

(no login) Re: Sharp pains August 15 2007, 8:18 PM

OK, If you've been off already for a couple of weeks, you should start up again.