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Questions About Growth



I have been using 2,000mg of PM, 1,350mg SP, 650mg BC, and 1,200mg FG for about 8 weeks. Prior to that I was using just SP, FG, BC, and Fennel seed oil in lower doses for about 10 months. My breast are growing somewhat and I had the itching nipples for about 2 weeks. However that has stopped and I don't have any sign of breast buds. Would any of you reccommend any changes or continue what I am doing. I bought some progesterone cream but have not used it yet. Should I begin with about 20 mg of progestrone daily?

Any advise or help would be greatly appreciated.


I may not be the best to answer this, but from what I understand if you are able to continue taking PM you may want to consider dropping the FG. There are a limited amount of receptors and its possible that both herbs are having to compete for those limited amount of sites. Since PM is much more potent that may be the one you want to have access to those sites without having to compete with less potent herbs. But ultimately, only you can tell what's working for ya and what's not.

Hello Kelly.

I would say give the pm another month or two for it to develop the first signs of breast buds.

What's your schedule for taking your NBE herbs? If you're just taking them in the morning and evening, you could try something else like taking a 500 mg capsule of pm every few hours throughout the day to see if that helps. Something else you could try now is to cycle the amount of pm you're taking. I think some members have reported this has helped when they felt like they were stalling. You could also try taking a calcium tablet or an enriched calcium liquid when taking the pm. The Ainterol's pm bottle says this can enhance the effectiveness of pm.

I do think you're taking quite a few herbs at once. Unless you got a good feel for what each herb is doing for you, I suggest sticking with one or two herbs until you got a good idea of what works for you and what doesn't. I think taking just pm and sp is a fairly common routine to use. If this routine ends up working for you, you can always add in the bc and fg later if you want to tweak your routine and see what happens. If the sp and pm doesn't work out for you after awhile, you may need to add a herb, switch to a different brand of sp or do something else entirely.

Something else you may want to consider is how your age may affect your progress. Generally speaking, I think younger members have the advantage of higher levels of growth hormones but also the problem of higher levels of testosterone to counter, while the reverse is typically true for older members. If you haven't already, I suggest looking at the routines of those who are closest to your age to see what they're taking.

I don't think adding progesterone cream is necessary where you're currently at. I was able to achieve some initial progress without it. I didn't add progesterone cream into my routine until I was 3 or 4 months along, and that was to balance out the estrogen dominance from taking 3,000 mg of pm.

I'd agree with flamesabers, generally.
The PM and SP sounds about right, the rest is unnecessary, especially the progesterone.
It can easily take up to 3 or 4 months for the PM to produce budding and I'd say give it at least 6 months after that to start on progesterone - you have to have grown some significant amount of breast tissue before you can expand it.
FG has limited effect anyway in comparison to PM and its primary function is to cause swelling, but again you cant swell something that isn't there.

Blackhawk, Flamesabers, and Pansy-Mae,

Many thanks to all of you! I appreciate the help and I will sure heed all of your advise. Beginning tomorrow I will only take the PM and SP and see where that takes me. I have been deligent about doing this right and if I have made mistakes, it was out of ignorance. However, I have learned a lot here and am appreciative of most all that post here.

My schedule was taking all that I had mentioned 4 times per day. I will continue 4 PM @500mg per day and two SP extract @ 160mg (maybe 3 per day on the SP extract).

Kindest regards,


Oh, one other thing. I also will begin breast massage with Ainterol PM breast cream twice per day at 300 revolutions per breast. Do any of you think that is too much Ainterol PM? That might be equivalent to 3,000 mg of PM per day, but I know many on here currently use that much PM also.



Hmm, since the body processes the cream differently than the capsules I'm not sure how the two will add up to your total pm intake.

At least in capsule form, I think 3,000 mg of pm is a bit high of a dose to take for the long-term. Even if you don't experience any side-effects from such a high dose, you'll be going through your pm bottles faster than if you stick with a lower dose like 2,000 or 2,500 mg.

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