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Ok, maybe this is too obvious


But do you find yourself obsessing over your own breasts? Sometimes I have significant trouble concentrating on my work (kind of like I'm doing now).

This is my favorite exchange from the TV show Friends:

Rachel: Come on! You guys can pee standing up!

Chandler: We can!? Alright, I'm trying that!

Joey: Ok, you know what blows my mind? Women can see breasts anytime they want. You just look down and there they are. How you get anything done is beyond me.

I definitely have trouble getting things done! Blush



I do get what you're saying! I'm more like... WHY AREN'T THEY BIGGER ALREADY DANGIT! though. Though I also do a fair bit of playing with them as well... I might want a LOT more, but what I have is already fun to play with! Blush

But... I really only think about them when something starts turning me on before hand or I'm really REALLY bored. It's really not at all a perpetual thing. Like. At all. Not for me anyways.

ditto for me...

Well, I have to agree that having breasts is a distraction. I remember when I was working holding the mouse in one hand working and massaging a breast with the other hand. Still do, just not as often. It was good for keeping up with the massages, though.

As distractions go, it's quite hard to beat... Big Grin

(08-01-2013, 09:07 PM)Misty0732 Wrote:  But do you find yourself obsessing over your own breasts? Sometimes I have significant trouble concentrating on my work (kind of like I'm doing now).

I do somewhat when I'm taking my monthly progress pictures. Tongue

Besides that I occasionally notice my breasts when my arm crosses my chest, but otherwise it's not a big distraction for me. Maybe it's because my breasts aren't erogenous, or maybe it's a result of the brain re-wiring? Huh

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