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2D:4D ratio for NBE & outlook of life


This topic came up about 18 months ago, from memory. As I remember when we put all the results together it more or less proved nothing!

I think it has about as much real validity as the COGIATI!

I don't think the ratio proves anything in and of itself. It is scientifically established, however, that the level of androgens you are exposed to in the womb is directly related to the ratio. A lot of other studies are looking at other effects of high or low levels of prenatal androgens (like athletic ability or musical talent). Other studies do show that members of the MTF TG community have higher ratios (and more similar to genetic females). This is an average, however, and there are definitely MTF TGs and TSs who do not have that ratio.

So I find that understanding the ratio gives me an indication of where I started out. A lot of things in my life line up with that understanding, well beyond the subjects of NBE and gender identity, so it was indeed helpful to me.

My ratio is 1:1 (they are the same length). I'm a genetic male with strong female desires. I probably would have pursued SRS had I known earlier that it was an option. Even though this test is not a scientific fact, it agrees with my experience so I'm a little encouraged. I wish the intrauterine hormonal theory could be undeniably proven factual. I'd like to be able to say that I am the way I am because...

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