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Annie, I did not want you to think I ignored your story, honey so I am just adding this so you know I care. I will try to comment more when things calm down a little...Rolleyes

Annie, my dear, your story was very enjoyable to read. You have a style of writing that is effectively descriptive, and at the same time flowing. Kudos to you.

I was quite engrossed in reading of your upbringing, your coming of age, so to speak, and your relationship with your mother. I think your life's experiences provide the makings of a novel. Any interest along those lines?

My ancestry on my father's side came from England and Scotland via Canada, so I can relate to a lot of your experiences. Cultural values have a way of persisting across generations. Your words resonated with me in so many ways. The fact that we are but 5 years apart in age probably also has a lot to do with that.

Thanks, for revealing details of your past. The more I learn about my ancestry, the more I can see who and why I am as I am. So much of who we are is genetically determined. Interestingly, though, nothing in my ancestry explains my gender fluid nature. Does that add credence to the theory that gender composition is mainly congenital, and only secondarily influenced by childhood experience? Any thoughts?

Clara Smile


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