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Thyroid Test Results With Body Temp Lower Than 98.2


So today I got my Thyroid test results back from a blood test and here are the values (Now remember I am 25):

T4: 8.9 ug/dl
T3: 28.3%
Free Throx: 2.5
TSH: 2.157 uIU/mL

And, here are the lab ranges:

T4: 4.5-12 ug/dl
T3: 23-36%
Free Throx: 1.1-4.4
TSH: 0.35-5.5 uIU/mL

So if my calculations are right, it seems that my levels are close to optimal across the board. Yet, I generally have a body temp of around 97.8?? Would BO still be really effective for me? What does everyone think?

I think you should add an adrenal glandular. your low body temp may be caused from improper adrenal function.

good luck

You can also add L-Tyrosine to your intake. It is cheap and helps raise your body temp if it is too low.

Thank you! I ordered and received both of them Smile I even got the L Tyrosine that also contains Vitamin C and Vitamin B6 so I should be set!

Your body temp is probably not an issue, but it might be. Back in the 1930s, Dr. Broda O. Barnes wrote a book on hypothyroidism. His recommendation was to measure body temperature immediately upon waking (basal temperature). For males and post-menopausal women he said to place a mercury thermometer within easy reach of you before going to sleep. Make sure you've shaken it down. Upon waking, move as little as possible, place the thermometer in your armpit, and lie still for 10 minutes. Do this for three consecutive days. If your temp is between 97.8F and 98.2F, your thyroid is normal. Anything less could indicate low thyroid. For women with a monthly cycle, it has to be done at the right time of the month, the timing of which I do not recall because it never applied to me or anyone I knew at that time.

Be aware that most doctors will summarily dismiss this and insist that TSH below 5 is normal and more accurate--it isn't, but good luck arguing the point. If you have symptoms of low thyroid, but the blood tests say otherwise, basal body temp may tell a different story.

Well if the thyroid tests look good then L-tyrosine should be all you would need to raise your body temp to keep it in the optimal 98.2 liver temperature. Good luck!

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