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Need some advice


Hi everybody,

I've been lurking around for some time now but I hope you can give me some advice.

I'm a 52 year old male and for years I have been triggerd by having my own breasts.

So about a month ago I started with PM. I am on 2000 mg ainterol per day. (1000 morning and 1000 evening)
I do feel my nipples tinkling and thing I am making some little progress. The feeling of these nipples are almost addictive. So I am very happy so far.
But my male function has dropped drasticly. (no erections anymore )

My big question is, would I regain erections after I stop taking PM or is this a permenent issue.
Has anyone of you experience on this matter?


A lot of people say that after 6 months it can become a problem. everyone is different though.

Hey Jackie,
Don't worry about it. It may take a week or more, but your erections will return if you stop the exogenous estrogen. The thing to worry about is your fertility if that's important to you anymore. Any breast tissue growth, though, will not reverse to your pre-estrogen days.

Clara Smile


Hi ClaraKay and Iaboy,

Thank you for your reply. It means a lot to me.

The fertility is not important fo me. But being able to have sex with my wife is.
So shooting blanks is okay for me.

It seems to me like ideal if I can have it to work and be able to play and walk around with my breasts.
I must say I cannot stop touching and feeling them. Although they are just tiny now. The hard nipples are freecking me out. I love them sooo.
I shall try to make some pics to show you.

Take care,

If it isn't harmful to health just keep it and do yourself

Hi everybody,

You were right, After 5 days it started working again.
But my nipples stopped tinkling and I do mis that.
So i will restart today with pm 2000 a day.
I added 2 picts of me as reference. This is after 1 month.


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