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Are you a SISSY ?, if so which type ?


Yes, I'm admitting it--I am a SISSY;  but I don't think I fit into these listed categories.  I think the definitions here focus too much on sex and sexual preference.

My dad used to call me a "pansy" and "a drill sergeant's dream" because of the way I am.  (I love my dad;  no animosity).  I'm intrigued by the idea of taking a negative word (sissy) and embracing it, making it my own.  Being "proud" to be a sissy and adopting it as a way of life.  Sissy is beautiful. Rolleyes

I am a very sensitive, delicate, graceful person.  My body is now soft, svelte, and feminine--and I love it! Smile I am very domestic.  Everything in my house is exquisitely decorated.  My bed is like a royal throne where I spend so much of my time, naked and ensconced in downy softness.  Because of my agoraphobia, I don't venture far from home.  I want to be in my own bed, using my own bathroom, eating my own food.  I don't work because it makes me ill.  I don't talk to many people because relationships involve conflict and I'm too much of a sissy to confront that.

Some of this may sound bad to you, but it really isn't.  I am generally happy, and I have lots of interests.  I tend to be obsessive, and now I'm focusing on becoming even more feminine, which excites me! Big Grin

I am also very innocent and trusting--if Ninja (on BN) suggests certain clothes for me, I will go out and buy them and then post sexy pictures of me wearing them.

Do you think I'm a sissy?  If I am, I'm embracing my sissy-ness.  I'm wondering--are you a sissy too?  In what way?  Do you like being a sissy?

Your friend,

-Graceful Curves

Below:  Me being a sissy--



Sissy's one of those words, for me, that have multiple levels/shades of meaning. Some of which are insulting, and some which aren't. 

Circumstantially I'd fit into the bisexual category as listed, but that's only best fit, not me to a tee. I've been gayer and straighter in my presentation over the years.  The older I get the switchier I feel, also.

I've long considered myself a sissy in the most basic sense- an effeminate(ish) male: the opposite of a tomboy.  In an ideal, BDSM centric world, young me would have made a good sissy in the more sexual sense. Barring real world risk factors, I could easily see myself having been a total cum dump. Meh. 

As for your question, well sweetie, I think you're expressing your sissiness cute and sexy!


"Well sweetie, I think you're expressing your sissiness cute and sexy!"

MMmmmm, Jessi--Thanks for your kind words! Heart I think I kind of like being called "sweetie". Kiss

I found your descriptions of yourself to be very interesting.  Believe it or not, I had to Google "cum dump".  Now I'm fantasizing about it!! Rolleyes Heart Tongue 



Had to Google 'cum dump'.... what is this world coming to?   Tongue 

My favorite is the 'legs up' photo, BTW.  If that doesn't evoke playful sissiness, I don't know what does.

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