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NBE to HRT, Jennifer's Transition

Hello BN,

The last news:

I got my female identity card back, there is no longer an M but an F.
As well as my social security card which now has a female number.

I'm done with administration.

Next milestone December 17, 2024 to see the surgeon for the third time.
And there, I would have the date for the operation.
I'm eager to.

Kisses BN Kiss Kiss

Jennifer Hug Hug

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)


That’s wonderful, you deserve a beautiful life, congratulations.

Pooky Hug Celebrate

Hello BN,

It's been a while since I posted.

A little story.

As a transgender woman, it’s not easy to find love again and yet…

I have a motorcycle, a 125cc, and I do solo rides.
A cisgender lesbian woman spotted me on Facebook and followed my transition journey.
She also owns a 125cc motorcycle, and she offered me a motorcycle ride with one of her friends, which I accepted.
A second motorbike outing followed, we had an unforgettable time.
A third outing was planned, but the one interested in me had a sprain, so the outing was canceled but transformed into an aperitif, which was followed by dinner. In the evening, a little game on Wii, then a discussion over a drink, and me preaching the false to know the true, and bingo! Big Grin
In fact, she had a crush on me since the first date, and that date was to get to know me in real life and not on Facebook.

Since then, we have been together Heart , each with our own house, and we meet up for motorcycle outings, cuddly moments Hug or walks.

That’s what I call a successful transition.

Kisses BN. Kiss

Jennifer Hug

Congratulations. Love finds a way. I'm so happy for you both.

Congrats Jennifer, you've got a lot going for you... @ brains (engineering science), fantastic results on breast growth, being a woman, and bad ass motorcyclist, well done.  Hug


That’s fantastic, you deserve the best.

May I private message you, as my wife and I are planning surgery and I have a few questions.

Good luck!

Hello Caylee,

Of course you can send a private message.
I don't block anyone.
The support for the operation is different between the USA and France, but the operation is identical.
And if I can help.

Kisses Caylee  Kiss

Jennifer Hug


Thanks! Wink It may take a few days to organize my thoughts as this journey we have started is the most challenging and complexed attempt at finding happiness there is.  Before we start let me tell you I use the word “we” a lot as this journey is our life, my wife of almost 40 years is my best friend, she is the most amazing woman on earth and this journey could not happen without her.

PM Soon, 
Caylee Celebrate

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