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Brown patches on skin after PM


Has anyone experienced any skin discolouration or patches on skin after use of PM ?

Noticed a few more red like bruise.  I think it’s because skin is getting thinner.  Will ask DR. When I go in two months.

My blue and bruised looking spot on my arms are starting to look a lot better.  I will keep applying lotion and hold of asking DR. As he is not the one that started my HRT.  Don’t want to stir the pot.

It happened on me too. I feel very tired and faint sometimes. Always I need long time say the whole day and night of sleep to recover.

Brown and blue spots almost gone on arms. I think time and lotion cleared them up.


Just be cautious. Anything out of the norm is suspect to a sign of potentially bad things. 

I have not done any research into this, but could pm or bo increase the risk cancer? I know they say it improves skin, softer etc, but if it makes it more sensitive we might need to take extra care when we know we will be exposed to sun light, even more than normal especially if you're already fair skin.

I can walk from the car through the parking lot into the food store and I get sun burned lol

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