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So glad I found BN!!!


For years I have dismissed or repressed feelings that would pop into my head. I retired from a very masculine (in the public eye) job after over 30 years. While I have gone back to work it's now in the sales management area and not in my former field. The feelings of wanting breasts and being more feminine have only become stronger since I retired. With the help and encouragement from a friend online I have been learning to accept and deal with these feelings. Dealing with them has brought me here to this amazing site and incredible people. They say everything happens for a reason and for me more and more things keep falling into place. 

I have crossdressed here and there for years when time and privacy allowed. I have long had a thing for chastity and women's panties. My professional life I was always in charge which led to being quite submissive in my personal and romantic life. I've come to realize and accept that I do have a strong desire to become more feminine and submissive. 

After reading tons of posts here over the last few days as well as other places BN is by far the most informative. I ordered BO, PG, and RR to start my journey. I do have a slight case of gynecomastia and low T. Tried TRT and it did very little for me in the area's I had hoped for. After a lengthy discussion with my PCP I was weened off TRT. 

As far as my hopes for this new journey, breasts, an ass that I've never had, and a more feminine figure overall. While I'm not sure as of yet how far I will go with this journey I do know that I'm fine with the possible effects of shrinkage of my male bits, already had a vasectomy so infertility isn't a concerns, and already have man books that I have never been able to get rid of. I'm happy to finally embrace them! 

Anyways please feel free to ask me any questions or offer your support or share your experiences. I suppose at this point I need to say I'm happily going to refer to myself as Brianna and go by Brie for short.

Hi, Brie!  Heart (May I call you Brie?)

I found your story very interesting!  Especially the parts about wanting to feel and be female and have breasts and "ass that I've never had", etc. 

I agree with your positive assessment of BN.  "My kind of people." Smile 

As someone who has actually experienced feminization using some of the products you're now acquiring, I hope I can offer you some inspiration and encouragement.  Apparently, "Yes--it can be done."  And you can always look forward to more in the future.  Everyone's body is different, so you'll have to see what works for you.  For example, I have become super-horny on NBE, while others have become less so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I posted some new pics today on "My Story . . ."  Maybe they will inspire you and show you what can be achieved, even within one year.  I never thought I could look and feel like this!  And now maybe you can too!  Let me know what you think. Hope to hear from you again soon. Kiss 



Thanks Graceful. You look amazing! I love to be called Brie and you are more than welcome call me such. I know it doesn't work for everyone and is faster or slower for some as well. I'm hopeful that I'm one of the lucky ones that sees fast results but won't let slower results discourage me. I've waited so long to be at and realize this point that I'm not going to change my mind. It took a bit of pushing and prodding from a friend to admit my true feelings and desires. That admission to my self was a very freeing moment.


Welcome! Wink  you will find most people very helpful and understanding.  In time you’ll find the ones that have different views and you can navigate around those.  Enjoy your journey and be safe.


 Best of luck. A lot of good people on this site. Everyone tries to help. I wish you the best of luck on your journey.

Thank you Pooky and Beth. So far everyone has been quite lovely. Incredible amount of information here. I spent days reading post full of info before finally making the decision to start this journey.

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