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Im currently on pure PM cure. 500 mg in morming and 500 mg in evening. Also using Ainterol PM Breast cream morning and evening.
I just ordered Swanson BO, that will arrive in few weeks. My question is, is it a bad idea to combine PM and BO? I have tried to read about it here but havent reached my conclusion. 
Hopefully someone can enlight me!

I have heard it's a bad mix, there is a post on here that says don't mix the two but I can't remember which thread I read it on. If I remember correctly the person came down with DVT, which may be a side effect of PM.

(19-06-2024, 10:24 PM)tomi66 Wrote:  I have heard it's a bad mix, there is a post on here that says don't mix the two but I can't remember which thread I read it on. If I remember correctly the person came down with DVT, which may be a side effect of PM.
Hmm, DVT stands for Deep Vein Thrombosis I guess, which is really bad.

Yes, it's one of the reasons I didn't start PM. The only bad things I heard about BO is it doesn't work for everyone and it works to quickly for other people. Besides difficult getting erection.

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