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strange....the BB website says.......


strange....the BB website says.......
July 17 2007 at 3:31 PM Nicole (no login)


while reading bountiful breast's site I noticed that they say that thier formula increases aromatization (conversion of testosterone to estrogen) and that its not necessary to block androgens, but then reading futher on the page they say that stubborn cases may require spironolactone which IS an androgen blocker........Now I'm really confused, if BB does in fact increase the aromatization process wouldn't that process decrease on androgen blockers.
anyone here have an opinion on why they would suggest that.

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(no login) Re: strange....the BB website says....... July 17 2007, 9:25 PM

Not quite so! Androgen blockers can aid the aromatization process.
I geuss what they're saying is stuborn cases,meaning people with extra high levels of testosterone in their system, have a hard time getting the estrogen to bind to the estrogen receptors. If you're feminizing,testosterone can be a nasty opponent to beat.
Most TG/TS girls take an anti-androgen with their estrogen! This increases the feminizing process and they get much better results. Some of the girls get castrated to block the androgens, and this means that they can lower their Estrogen dose because there isn't the production of testosterone to compete with the estrogen.
Phew! Hope this helps?


Is this possible on BO?
May 20 2009 at 9:38 PM robert (no login)


while reading the FAQs on the transfemme website, a few of the statements made me stop and think.....

"......causes the male body to reprogram the way it processes hormones, leaving the male body producing high estrogen and low testosterone like a genetic female even after discontinuing"

"......we have had many reports from our customers one year later who still had their blood tests coming out as a normal woman's test result"

reprogram? hormone levels at normal women's level 1 year after discontinuing?
i am on estrofem and spiro - i am just curious about this. if the answers to these are under a different topic, forgive me, i couldnt find them. thx

Author Reply
(Login riven_one) Re: Is this possible on BO? May 21 2009, 2:29 AM

I think for the most part it's all a bunch of hype to sell their high priced stuff. I (like many other people) started out on that stuff and quickly started to search for alternatives (which led to this board) due to the high price of it. Rumor has it that their formulation is BO, kelp, and perhaps a few other things mixed in. Nothing special.

I've been on BO for about 1.5 years and no, I haven't turned into a woman, and no, judging by the fact that the "equipment" down there still works i'm pretty sure that a blood test would not test anywhere near the same as a woman. Otherwise the TG people would be taking transfemme instead of the real stuff if it worked as well as adverised.

(no login) Re: Is this possible on BO? May 21 2009, 3:42 AM

Er....The reversal effects took place slowly for a couple of years for me. If you don't have something in your blood stream to make the negative feedback system respond, then you will inevitably revert. However you remain sterile (from taking real estrogens) Don't quite know why you stay sterile though.

(no login) Re: Is this possible on BO? May 21 2009, 6:25 AM

what were the reversal effects for you tgirl?

(no login) Re: Is this possible on BO? May 21 2009, 10:01 PM

First, a little history, I was on estrogen injections for 2 years straight for every 2 weeks. I started relatively young in my 20's so the effects were desirable even though I had to overcome some "butchness" The effects were: fine hair all around my body, smoother skin of course, redistribution of body fat, emotional and mental changes, loss of 99% of male sexual function including the recession of the "boys" to almost not there (they atrophied quite a bit). Sexual drive was, the best I can describe as, feeling more female.

After losing the resource for my injections, I started my old regimen of herbals from way back but inevitably, I was using all the wrong things. Within two years, I felt more like a "male" in attitude, more sexual function returning except sterility, hair doesn't seem to be that much different, but overall, I could feel the difference. This is why I thank god for this forum. I finally went to the correct herbals, and behold, I feel much more like I was before. Not all the way though.

(no login) real stuff June 16 2009, 2:57 AM

tgirl, how did the injections work for you? im wondering if you get better results from that or the pills? im thinking about getting Progynon Depot and Depo Provera from inhouse. i tried provera a while back with the estrofem and spiro, and noticed some growth. i'm not sure if this was from the provera but i developed montgomery glands during the time i was on it. i was also wondering if the darker nipples ever change back in color?
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