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Question about BO dosing / results


This is a classic example of " we are all different" and not to base much on other peoples experiences, apart from maybe some very vague generalities.

Some people make much of the changes to to their personalities, but I've always said mine hasn't changed at all. However because so much is made of this, I have wondered if actually I have changed but am simply not aware of it in myself.
A couple of days ago, I read out something from a post on this subject of personality changes, to my wife, and without any delay she came straight back with, "Well, you haven't changed". When I asked if she was sure, she was absolutely adamant that I am still the same as I was a year or so ago.

I'm not holding this up as either a good or bad thing, and I'm certainly not disputing the effects that others have seen, just pointing out that whether or not you want these changes there is no certainty either way. So whether you go the BO, PM, or other herb, route, this is one more part of the unpredictable lottery.

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