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Okay All..Starting my own thread for Ovary and Mammary glandulars. (archive thread)


Okay All..Starting my own thread for Ovary and Mammary glandulars.
February 12 2008 at 1:25 PM Davilee (Login Davata)


'Allo All or whosoever is interested,

My reaosn for this thread is I want to post the best sources that I have been able to find,and I will also keep a journal of my "experiments" with these glandular materials.

I just ordered both raw ovary and raw mammary.
Source, pork for the former and bov for the latter.

Heres two links for the raw mammary.
It is the most no-nonsense product that I could find.
Most all of the other products I've seen on Amazon stores,are blended with other things and way more expensive.

> This is one of the sources that I purchased the raw mammary from.
Its the cheapest for the strength of the essential ingredient.
Its just pure Raw mammary gland tablets.
150mg each/100ct.bottle/12.00+change

>This is a big info. hub for all kinds of products that involve mammary gland.There are several pages of products here.They have links to the main sources for the products.

So,I shall recieve all of my products very soon,and I will update as soon as I have anything to report.probably after I have been taking them for a week or two.I'm hypothesising that I will most likely start feeling results within the first week.If its like my reactions to herbals.

Of course,if you have any questions or advice or comments,please post them below. Bye,Davilee

Author Reply
(no login) Re: Okay All..Starting my own thread for Ovary and Mammary glandulars. February 18 2008, 9:07 AM

If your hypothesis is correct and you soon start to get a response, how will you know whether the response is due to the ovary or the mammary?

(no login) Re: Okay All..Starting my own thread for Ovary and Mammary glandulars. May 16 2008, 8:12 AM

I take it this experiment didn't come to anything and consequently that there is nothing to report.

(Login Davata) Au contraire mon ami...... July 16 2008, 6:05 AM

I have been silent yes....I've been meaning to return sooner;but,time is fleeting to me.
I had taken the supplements for quite awhile and I had some things to report about.

First....the Pig ovary. Well,..I didnt really see any results at all from taking that except to totally destroy what libido I did have left and to dry up any sexual fluids that I could produce.For me, it almost completely shut down semen production....fluids nearly completely clear.
Also,it had another awful sideeffect which was it irritated some nerve point ot something in my bladder or more likely in my prostate gland which caused me to feel like I had to urinate frequently and I had a slight annoying little irritating pain that flucuated randomly.

As far as breast growth,ehhh....I had more growth from taking my regimen of licorice and hops and SP & Fenugreek & fennel/anise tea.

I concluded that it caused so many negative effects and hardly any positive ones,that I don't see any reason for me to use it anymore.

BTW,...I was taking about 3000mg of it daily.

For fat accretion/distribution...I had better results with black cohosh.
Although,it also caused some libido degeneration and also depression problems for me.

Alright.....Cow Mammary gland tablets.
Well,honestly,I didnt really see that much development that I could unequivocably say,"yeah,I see a result".
Which is because I did not see a definite resulting increase in development from that product. I'm still taking it,and I'm experimenting with increasing my daily dose of it.

I think it is more helpful for when you have gotten to a more mature breast strage and also if someone is stimulating lactation...thats when it is the most useful.

I have been taking 300mg of that daily.
I havent had any negative effects from it that i can notice.

As an overview, weight/fat deposits flucuate up and down fairly easily,so,its difficult for me to really gauge how these products may have helped me in the breast fat accretion issue.

I can say that,as far as actual mammary gland development,they didnt seem to do much for me. Mine have grown,but,I don't think I can contribute it to either these two products really.

Sorry to bring a dissapointing report folks.


(no login) Re: Okay All..Starting my own thread for Ovary and Mammary glandulars. July 24 2008, 6:48 PM

All information is valuable. We are thankful for other's efforts and their reports of the same.

(Login riven_one) Re: Okay All..Starting my own thread for Ovary and Mammary glandulars. July 24 2008, 9:57 PM

I used PO for several months and really didn't seem to get anything from it. I did not experience any of the symptoms as described by the person above using PO. I'd have the occasional itchiness or tingle, but that was about it. No real growth.

I just switched back to BO a couple of weeks ago and from casual observation I seem to be growing again. I need to break out the measuring tape to confirm, but i'd like to give it a month before measuring.
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