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How do you come out....?


How would I go about telling my parents that I want to start taking nbe and blossom into the young lady/man I want to be..? And how did you do it and do your parents accept you

OK, I'm sure there are a few others on this board who may have better insight than me on this subject. Still, you are very young to be messing with your hormones. I think most would suggest that you wait until you are at least 18 before starting any regimen aimed at dramatically altering your body's direction.

Again, I far from an expert here (just cautious).

Good luck to you!


(23-02-2013, 12:24 AM)Misty0732 Wrote:  OK, I'm sure there are a few others on this board who may have better insight than me on this subject. Still, you are very young to be messing with your hormones. I think most would suggest that you wait until you are at least 18 before starting any regimen aimed at dramatically altering your body's direction.

Again, I far from an expert here (just cautious).

Good luck to you!


I agree that 13 is too young for self meds, even with herbs.

However, if you really feel that you are a girl trapped in a boy's body, and you can convince a therapist and your parents, then you may be able to get treatment to delay your puberty.

The problem with waiting until the age of 18 is that the ratio of shoulder / hip will never look right, the head will grow too large, the brow bones over the eye sockets could grow to the point that they will need grinding down, and the jaw bone will become masculinised. Finally there's the large Adam's Apple, facial hair and voice breaking.

Postponing pubery gives you time to decide what you really want to be, and when it resumes (possible with estrogen) it lets you grow into the correct body shape with no need to worry about the huge expense of correcting all those things.

If I was 13 now, I would definitely be pestering my parents to let me delay puberty. It wasn't an option then, unfortunately.

You definitely need to talk to your folks and get them to let you see a gender specialist, asap. Start playing around with hormones and you will be very lucky if it ends well.

Good luck


How do you delay puberty?...

(23-02-2013, 01:15 AM)Machadomen Wrote:  How do you delay puberty?...

Different kinds of medically prescribed hormone blockers.
See here:

Good luck.


Telling your parents is the hardest but most important step. You need to explain to them how long you felt this way and how strongly you feel about it.

Since I know your story, there is a real possibility you have Gender Identity Disorder since you have had gender variant feelings for a few years and from a young age but it's important to work this out with a gender therapist. You really should come out to your parents, they will just want what's best for you and seeing a professional will help to work that out.

I wish I was mature enough to understand and deal with my feelings at your age.. good luck!

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