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Over in the PM section someone is claiming that PM has been linked to all sorts of side effects, including blood clots. No sources cited, of course. Would one of you who are more knowledgeable be interested in trying to set the story straight? I hate to see anyone confusing and needlessly scaring others with baseless claims.

Here is a link to the thread:

LOL. Already there. I just hadn't had time to respond to it even as much as I have until now. As it is, I've left out sources myself, but everything I said is quite easily seen when you put in a few carefully crafted google searches.

I'm sure the "google research expert" will have no problem. Smile

read. instead of picking someone out of the crowd to pick on. there have been claims of dvt linked to use of pm. anyone with a brain knows that if u mess with your body and knock off its natural hormone balances your asking for trouble. enter at your own risk. Dodgy

(26-06-2013, 03:50 AM)ab101bab Wrote:  read. instead of picking someone out of the crowd to pick on. there have been claims of dvt linked to use of pm. anyone with a brain knows that if u mess with your body and knock off its natural hormone balances your asking for trouble. enter at your own risk. Dodgy

Picking you out of the crowd? You set yourself up for failure by merely stating your misinformed beliefs rather than actually researching the topic. There are plenty of posts in this section of BN as well as the PM section, detailing the lack of deleterious side effects, quite a few of which I have penned.

Just so you know, I do have a brain (fMRI scans to prove it) and the last time my IQ was measured the results would have qualified me for membership in Mensa. I DO have a doctorate in my field (ancillary medical practitioner), I HAVE designed and executed real research using human subjects and DO know how to understand and interpret research and evaluate the statistical analysis. I have also done considerable (I estimate 100+ hours) research into the effects and side effects of PM and have NOT found any of the side effects you ascribe to it.

I don't believe you can document the claims of DVT with PM use. Here's the results of a search for those two search terms:

But let me save you the trouble of clicking on that link, there ARE NO RESULTS matching those terms!!!

Even with a standard google search (,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.48340889,d.dmg&fp=fb80278e646aa8ed&biw=1330&bih=905) I could only find ONE report (on another forum: of a female with a DVT while taking PM. If you read the complete message thread, she changed brands and continued using PM WITHOUT further problems. Was it the brand, or coincidence? With a single subject, that is impossible to say.

So, where is ANY info/sources/reports to back up your claims? Your assertion is without logic or merit so why don't you keep it to yourself, instead of scare-mongering.

(26-06-2013, 03:50 AM)ab101bab Wrote:  read. instead of picking someone out of the crowd to pick on. there have been claims of dvt linked to use of pm. anyone with a brain knows that if u mess with your body and knock off its natural hormone balances your asking for trouble. enter at your own risk. Dodgy

There've been claims that Martian's ate peoples grandmothers. Do you believe those ones too?

Okay... All joking aside, and in all seriousness... I speak only of verifiable REAL research. And ALL such research indicates PM to be only a positive thing - as long as it's not abused.

And even when abused, you DO know what a DVT is, right? It's a very specialized kind of blood clot. Well. Technically it's what happens when you get a specialized kind of blood clot... but anyways... It's VERY unlikely, given the way that PM is processed by the liver, that ANY amount of the substance can EVER cause an increased risk for blood clots. Ever. This is with actual proven verifiable research. No increased risk for blood clots == no increased risk for a DVT. It goes hand in hand.

Now, there are various things, directly and solely, linked to too high of estrogens in the body, that you CAN be at risk for if you abuse it. There's also the small little problem where it causes a HUGE insulin spike - without the sugar for that insulin to be taking out... The latter is easily corrected for simply by eating immediately upon taking a dose. Preferably something with a fair amount of sugars in it.

Too much estrogens? You can balance it either by reducing your doses or supplementing your progesterone, depending on your specific needs.

We didn't "pick" anyone out of "the crowd" to "pick on". We noticed some misinformation being handed out and sought to correct it. Would have done the same no matter who it was who posted the misinformation. Eventually. And if I had even more time available probably with research links. And if I hadn't, someone probably would have.

It's not about you. It's about the facts. I really honestly don't have the time in my day to go about choosing random people to pick on. In fact, at first I'd ignored the thread because I was like, oh come on, this one AGAIN?! But once the misinformation was there, I found myself having to correct it. Not to pick on you... But to keep facts straight. It's one thing to warn of REAL potential hazards, it's another to claim ones that aren't there. A correct answer to the question if you really wanted to warn them that PM isn't necessarily ALWAYS safe, would be to say, well, no... but... and then describe some of the real potential problems.

If I remember the original post in question correctly you'd indicated that RESEARCH claimed the links... Nope. Only random people on the internet who claimed to have a DVT and claimed it corresponded entirely and solely with their PM use. That's hardly research. They could even be lying. Maybe they really did have a DVT, and perhaps they were using PM at the time - what ELSE were they using? What medicines did their doctor have them on? Did their doctor know what they were doing? I'm sorry to say, in case you honestly believed doctors to be infallible, but... they can make mistakes.

you do both realize you've waisted about 45 minutes of you lifes (each) trying to set me straight there may be no studies that you find i have read several over the past few months and no i didnt save the articles because i really don't care big flipping deal. . look up aspergers symptoms . maybe you'll figure out a bit more about yourselves and why you feel the need to correct me in 15 paragraphs and in such detail. further more i came to this page for the same reason as all of the others and both of you as well to find answers to your questions and meet others in the same situation as you. pm has also been linked to heart issues so continue to say it is the best product ever.... it may be yes FOR YOU. Every persons body handles these extra hormones differently. and if you have a platelet disorder i will sure as hell not be saying FYa take TEN a day! im not returning to this conversation so any reply tjats 8 paragraphs long is only a waste of time for you. goodday

Wow. Touchy.
I said GOOD DAY sir!

What a rude person o.O

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