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Since I am new here...


I know there are a number of you that don't care what other people think of your transformation but I was curious as to how wife, gf, family, friends and just other people have responded to you.

(18-08-2013, 11:05 PM)stefanie_s Wrote:  I know there are a number of you that don't care what other people think of your transformation but I was curious as to how wife, gf, family, friends and just other people have responded to you.

I don't have a "wife or gf" because I am single and even if I do get into a relationship it will most likely be with a man. As a woman. Though I am bi and if enough push comes to shove, I might end up with another woman. Still as a woman. I would just prefer a man for reasons too complicated to talk about more than this: Being bisexual really doesn't actually mean either gender is EQUALLY attractive... Just that both have their attractions and I COULD be happy either way. And I just happen to lean more towards liking men.

Family has been a mixed bag.

Some have been "oh! that explains things!" while others have been fighting it the entire way. Still some have stopped speaking to me entirely.

I basically just left almost all my old friends behind. Most of them were in church and my fear of the response of some members keeps me from opening up to any members.

I did open up to my Bishop and he was supportive, and my mom wound up telling someone else who's highly involved in the family history stuff and is therefore helping her with that. I don't think she cares at all.

But there are people there that... yeah.

I don't KNOW how my one real high school friend may or may not respond, but my fears are enough that I haven't even tried talking to him... Part of that is I think I may actually have a bit of a thing for him. I know I used to be jealous as hell of his sisters and wished I could be spending time with THEM more.

If you're asking because you want to know how yours might respond... Sorry, everyone's experience is going to be something different.

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