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NBE in retail stores?


Are there any NBE in retail stores like well for trademark reasons lets call this place malmart or shop n stop but yeah like BO or PM or anything do they sell there?

Trademark reasons? You are allowed to talk about Walmart on the internet. Haha No BO or PM that I know of.

There's a product called Natural Curves that's available in some retail stores including GNC. It's a blend of many of the herbs we talk about here but there's no PM or BO in it.

You can buy fenugreek and other herbs from supersol if its one with a parafarmacia

Why bother with retail stores when the Internet offers more selection and often cheaper sourcing ?



(23-11-2013, 10:37 PM)julieTG Wrote:  Why bother with retail stores when the Internet offers more selection and often cheaper sourcing ?


I think various reasons has been touched on in prior threads. Some individuals live in areas where Internet retailers won't ship to or only by charging prohibitive shipping fees. Or maybe individuals want to be discreet with their NBE and don't want someone else inquiring about the contents of a delivered package.

I know Walmart sells SP. I'm reasonably sure they sell FG. They might also sell RC, but I'm not sure. The rest of the herbs, probably not, and they definitely do not sell any glandulars such as BO, nor do they sell PM. Most major retailers sell what the majority of the population seeks which are multi-vitamins, individual vitamins, and minerals in combo or alone. They might also have some specialized formulas for things like menopause relief (Estroven) or prostate relief. Stores that specialize in supplements and health food stores might have things like glandulars and a wide selection of herbs. Smaller, independent stores can oftentimes order things even if they don't carry them, but it might be necessary to buy 12 bottles at a time depending on the store.

If it is discrection from another family member you are seeking, remember honesty is best policy.

In the US try the Vitamin Shop. You'll find a supplement Solar, I believe, with a fractional dosage of PM in the women's health section. You'll see it is Not nearly in the mg amounts prescribed on this site. But maybe combined with SP and other OTC herbs for NBE you'll feel some results. It will probably cost a lot more then just ordering PM directly.

That is what I was doing BEFORE I faced up to my wife (about my desire to grow feminine breast). She flipped out (understandably) and I never actually tried taking the 500mg caps of PM that most others use here. Was I getting results? Maybe a little tingling and nipple sensitity But it definitely helped me mentally. Real or imagined hard to tell.

I still have the desire, but my wife and kids come first so boobs will have to wait indefinitely. Luckily I have a pretty nice looking chest that fills a medium sports bra quite nicely.

And staying connected on this site helps keep me grounded and keepsd things in perspective too.


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