Shop for herbs and other supplements on Amazon

finally here!


I've found that pretty much anything will go down easily with plenty of water. Quite large gelatin capsules such as are commonly used for herbal products slide down quite easily, even taking a number together. I do in fact take 15 Metamucil capsules at a go with a tumblerfull of water since that it is what it takes to control the aftermath of my gall bladder surgery. It's much easier to get it down that way than stirring the powder into water since it gelatinizes so fast Regular pharmaceutical pills can be less easy, some in particular disintegrating very fast in the mouth if not washed down quickly, and they don't slide down as easily even though usually much smaller. The easiest of all are the red coated Tylenol which can be swallowed without water. Powders can be tricky since some, like PM, don't wet very easily.

Shop for herbs and other supplements on Amazon

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Shop for herbs and other supplements on Amazon

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