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Prolonged breaks?


Will a prolonged break from taking oestrogen harm my future chances of breast growth? i took pm for a month, had a 7 day cold turkey break then will have done a further month or so of synthetics (estradiol, spironolactone, finasteride) before i plan to come off (i will wean myself off it) for 3 months or so in order to do something i should have done at the very start (visit a sperm bank) if only i knew before i started what i know now about storing sperm at this stage i have a little breast growth and breast buds, i just need to make an informed decision as given my goal is to fully transition and given i cannot see myself having children (but i would prefer to keep my option open for the future, no regrets and all that) if i had to i would choose breasts over genetic children if this break messed up my chances of developing any further, hopefully this is where people tell me that extended breaks have done them no harm...

Hello bobie.

I think taking an extended break may set you back as far as breast development goes, but judging from what others have reported, it's doable to regain this loss once you start taking NBE herbs again. The longest cold turkey break I've taken was about three weeks, and I didn't notice any problems with resuming my breast development once that period ended.

Im not so worried about losing what i have gained im more worried that stopping taking a form of oestrogen for 3 months may atrophy the breast buds or something causing no further growth when i resume taking oestrogen, actually thinking about it may be worth me looking into precocious puberty as i know they sometimes use blockers in such cases and that doesnt seem to cause girls any problems


Hi Bobie,

Not too sure about the effect of prolonged breaks, but one thing you mentioned caught my eye. You said that for a while you were using synthetics (estradiol, spironolactone, finasteride) and I hope you were doing this under the guidance of a medical professional. What caught my eye was the combination of spironolactone and finasteride, not that it's bad but it seems unnecessary. I thought that spironolactone was an antiandrogen prevention the production of testosterone and that finasteride simply prevented testosterone from converting to DHT which, among other things, causes male pattern baldness. So if you prevent the tertosterone production then would there be a need to try to prevent it's conversion since there isn't any to convert?

I hope that some of the more knowledgable members here can shed some light on this.

My gp is aware of what im doing and what im taking, i had blood tests just over a week ago (all clear) and he has referred me to the local gender identity clinic, i have read conflicting things about spiro but my understanding is it blocks androgen receptors and possibly has something to do with the conversion of testosterone to oestrogen, since it would take months to lower testosterone levels and thus dht i take finasteride as well since that way i can block dht from the start

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