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I saw a sister today.


I went into the local grocery store this afternoon and as I was about to go in , I saw someone in the bus shelter that looked like a guy, but also looked like a woman. I wasn't quite sure which. I was about 25 feet away, so, I couldn't see them that well, especially since the plastic glass around the shelter was a bit dirty. I went into the store and forgot all about it. I came back out about 4 minutes later only to see a bus was AT the stop about 100 feet from I left the store and the last passenger was getting on, so I high-tailed it for the bus, I JUST made it!! On the bus was this person I saw in the bus shelter before and she was sitting directly across from me talking with some guy. Facially, and by her limbs and hands, she still looked like a guy, but there was NO missing the huge tits under the very tight bright blue t-shirt! Otherwise, she had long semi-curly hair that was styled to look wet and as tad messy, but still nice. (Her nose also gave her away.) She had pink or purple glittery nail polish on, a tight white scarf around her neck, I'm guessing this was to hide the Adam's Apple, another scarf (dark with flecks of colour all over it) across the top of her forehead. I guessed it was hiding a receding hair line, but I could've easily been wrong. Her hair looked full enough to me. She was also wearing VERY colourful sneakers!! Like a fluorescent rainbow!! I was going to tell her that I liked them, but I didn't want to bust into their conversation, and, I was getting off in 2 stops anyway (I'm only a mile away from the mall).
I guess my point is (NOT to take her femaleness away from her, but), I saw it is a kind of confirmation of it being perfectly okay for a "guy" (because she DID look a bit more like a guy) to have tits in public! This, also, about half an hour after I saw an older woman that also looked more like a guy with tits than a woman, and about two days after seeing another woman, I think, in the same store with VERY butch clothes, and a VERY butch hair cut (EXTREMELY short!! It almost looked like it was painted on!), almost looking like a truck driver named, Big Bubba, with a HUGE set of tits! She was QUITE corpulent and almost as tall as me and hardly at ALL feminine! I saw another guy go past her and look her over in disbelief, as if he, also, thought that was a guy with huge tits. And these two were NOT the first I've ever seen like this!! Are they gay? I really don't know! But, I've seen a number of gay women that still look like ordinary women rather than women that try to look as male as possible.
So, for those of you here that have no desire to go whole hog into feminization and just want big tits as a guy, I'm prone to say, just go for it and don't worry about anybody seeing you like that!

As for the gay ethos, I don't quite get it! If you're a gay girl, wouldn't you be attracted to other women that LOOK like women, instead of men?? If you want a woman that looks like a man, why not just go after a man? Or a man that's had a sex change, but doesn't present as a woman?
Same with gay guys, wouldn't they be prone to after guys that look and act like guys instead of speaking and acting like women?
I have no problem at all with people being gay, I'm just trying to figure out the people they're attracted to.
I'm a straight guy, but I'd LOVE to be a woman!! And, if I was, I'd be a WOMAN!! Dresses, long hair, perfume, maybe make-up, nail polish, the whole ball of wax!! And, if I was a gay woman, I'd go after women that LOOK like women!! NOT someone that dresses frumpy and looks like Big Bubba, the truck driver!

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