Shop for herbs and other supplements on Amazon

I see the ads are back! :-/



Yea... I don't mind ads per se but when the take over the whole page it's a bit of a pain. Oh and my "back arrow" noe cycles through ads instead of actually going back.

What ads are taking over the whole page? Can you post a screenshot of that?

(10-08-2015, 01:31 AM)Eve M Wrote:  What ads are taking over the whole page? Can you post a screenshot of that?

I saw one earlier today that took over almost an entire screen (like, if you were on a particular thread, or just the main page where the most recent threads are listed, and just scrolled all the way down to the bottom, the ad was dead center and filled the entire center of the screen. It had, maybe, 20 smaller ads, like you were supposed to look through them all and click on which ever one(s) you wanted to look at.), it was at the bottom of the page and I THINK it was for Amazon!
Otherwise, the ads that were at the top of the page before (banners) are back and, so far, twice, since last night, I've been forced to listen to one here again while I was on another site!

Now there's an ad for Ontario that's over 5" long and I actually have to scroll down just to get to the top thread on the list!

Shop for herbs and other supplements on Amazon

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Shop for herbs and other supplements on Amazon

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