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Piercings or tattoos



I got my ears pierced as a slightly early birthday present to myself two weeks ago.

So far they've been really nice, the black is very subtle and I think only about five people have noticed them so far.

The reaction has been positive every time.

So far the only annoying thing is that my left earring really likes to snag on my bike helmet's chinstrap, and since I am constantly putting my helmet on and taking it off in my job as a bike courier/sandwich deliverer, I have to be really careful.

(18-09-2016, 02:05 PM)Emma Th3saurus Wrote:  I got my ears pierced as a slightly early birthday present to myself two weeks ago.

So far they've been really nice, the black is very subtle and I think only about five people have noticed them so far.

The reaction has been positive every time.

So far the only annoying thing is that my left earring really likes to snag on my bike helmet's chinstrap, and since I am constantly putting my helmet on and taking it off in my job as a bike courier/sandwich deliverer, I have to be really careful.

you can always cover it with a bandaid while you are working, just so it doesn't catch.

         After 10 years of deliberation, got my garter tattoo to represent my feminine side.  The bow is on the back and the whole thing is hidden by regular length shorts but exposed in a miniskirt or Daisy Dukes.

No tattoos but a history of needles!
Mid 80's, oh that sounds so long ago Sad  started my apprenticeship in engineering and had both ears pierced, then a couple of years later I had my naval pierced as well.
Earrings lasted about 5/6-years then got fed up of having to take them out when I visited customers (food manufacturers), belly ring stayed in until about 4-years ago when it started to migrate.
At the same time of loosing the belly ring I for some unknown reason decided to have an apardravya, followed by both nipples.
I was bricking the 30mm barbell being pushed through my manhood, but was very surprised that the nips hurt more than the down below one!!!
Nips were sensitive before hand and are now AB-FAB Smile and the aprardravya feels brill too Smile
Want to get my navel done again, but is on my goal list once I've lost about 10kg

Here's my tats

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(23-09-2020, 06:45 AM)Piercednips Wrote:   After 10 years of deliberation, got my garter tattoo to represent my feminine side.  The bow is on the back and the whole thing is hidden by regular length shorts but exposed in a miniskirt or Daisy Dukes.
awesome!, i love it!, wish i had the balls (sic) lol xx

I am 50 and in the 90s i had my left ear pierced and took it out some yrs later. I can still wear one if want.This yr i had my navel pierced and went back later for nipple piercing. I wanted both and had left one done 1st and few mins later the right one. Left one hurt but the right one was worse. When she put the clamp or whatevr on the nipple on right side did not even feel it Thought great i will not be able to feel it boy was i wrong. The needle went though the areola. Used rings and 14 gauge  and will stay that size. Nipples are bigger but still not sensitive like hoping for. The navel i have had some problems but still have. want to tone my waist up


Many yrs ago had left ear pierced. About 2 yrs ago had navel and few weeks later both nipples. About  3 weeks ago had right ear pierced. So have 5 piercings. Cant have visible ones at work so i put the right one in at lunch

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