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PM/WP Extract Question


Hi all! Was hoping to get some advice from you awesome gurls about how much extract to take. I've seen a few of you talk about it and how much better it works compared to the capsules and I think I'm sold on the idea. I'm looking to buy the Ainterol PM and Hawaii Pharm WP. Capsule wise for PM I would like to take 1500-2000 mg and for WP about 1200-1500 mg, but I don't know what the equivalent would be in extract because I know it's a lot more potent. On the Hawaii Pharm site it says to take 20-30 drops 3 times a day, but that seems a little excessive. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks so much in advance!

I always decantered my WP into a smaller bottle, as the dropper for that was labled. However .. 1ml 3x a day. ( and it works very well btw)

PM - 6 drops 3x a day

Thank you for the response Janett. Your actually the reason I'm going to get the Hawaii pharm WP. I saw you write about it in another thread. Do you know what those amounts are equal to in mg's? Do you also take the PM extract, and if so, do you see a big difference between that and the pills?

(23-08-2016, 02:53 PM)jannet.duff Wrote:  I always decantered my WP into a smaller bottle, as the dropper for that was labled. However .. 1ml 3x a day. ( and it works very well btw)

PM - 6 drops 3x a day

If you are using Ainterol's, that equal the equivalent of 6 capsules at 500mg effectiveness. even more if you are putting under your tongue. WOW, that's a lot.

If you figure, that extracts sublingual is about 85% effective vs about 35 - 40% Capsule... Then in all actuality, that would be about 6mg of capsule form. Before I took my break due to my doctor's order's, I would do 3 drops under tongue, x 3. So, in reality, effectiveness equals about 3 mg's per day of capsules.

On the site it says one drop is equal to 40 mg.

(23-08-2016, 06:26 PM)iaboy Wrote:  
(23-08-2016, 02:53 PM)jannet.duff Wrote:  I always decantered my WP into a smaller bottle, as the dropper for that was labled. However .. 1ml 3x a day. ( and it works very well btw)

PM - 6 drops 3x a day

If you are using Ainterol's, that equal the equivalent of 6 capsules at 500mg effectiveness. even more if you are putting under your tongue. WOW, that's a lot.

If you figure, that extracts sublingual is about 85% effective vs about 35 - 40% Capsule... Then in all actuality, that would be about 6mg of capsule form. Before I took my break due to my doctor's order's, I would do 3 drops under tongue, x 3. So, in reality, effectiveness equals about 3 mg's per day of capsules.

That's drops not capsule.

(23-08-2016, 08:57 PM)malenewbie Wrote:  On the site it says one drop is equal to 40 mg.

Not so sure. When I first started to use the Ainterol xtract, I contacted the US representative for the company. His email stated that 3 drops = 1 500mg pill in effectiveness. Course, that was like 2 yrs back. If you do the math, maybe they are saying that thru digestion, a person is only getting like 120 mg of effect when using the capsules then?? Or maybe they changed the formulation of either or both?

How long does a bottle of wp extract last?

(24-08-2016, 08:03 AM)Applejack90 Wrote:  How long does a bottle of wp extract last?

It'll depend on the amount you take.

The bottles are 120ml. So if you take 1ml twice a day, that's 2 months.

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