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No T-blockers


Hi there,

Is it possible to have breast growth without t-blockers? 

I understand the effects of t-blockers so I want to make sure I am making the right decisions. Any help I would appreciate, please. Thank you!

The simple answer is YES.

There also seems to be some negative potential health effects from aggressively blocking T in men (there's a study on that cited on here somewhere...I'll add the link if I come across it again).


I am not using T blockers

for 2 reasons


too low t makes me feel crap


the E I take quite nicely balances my over agrressive t levels and nature , lol

and the body needs sex hormones to run so if I did lower t too much there is still E in the mixture


Yes it is doable if you take enough E, Lotus will be able to explain it perfectly and clear up what i`m trying to say, I seem to remember it having something to do with the hpothalmic, pituitary gonadal axis. that when you have enough sex hormone in your system (doesn`t matter which one T or E), there is a signal sent to the brain saying Stop producing hormones for a while. so by taking lots of E, your brain will get a signal to stop producing T (in males), thus having the same effect as T blockers.

problem is, you need a lot of E to do that and that has a risk of thrombosis, so T blockers are used so that less E is needed thus reducing the DVT risk for the same effect, or at least that`s the reason used.

My T  is lower than that of a natal female and has been now for over 18 months and I`v never felt better in my entire life!
so as you can see what works for one may differ in another. xx

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