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Christmas hangover


Nothing to do with boobs, sorry.
It's the festive season which means I drink more than usual and often wake up with a Jonny Walker hangover.
I usually medicate with a few cups of Ty Phoo, not much can beat a great cup of British tea, but anybody have an instant hangover cure?
Stop drinking is probably the best suggestion but not an option this month.
Does alcohol limit the effects of PM?

I don’t think it has an effect.
Bottled oxygen helps. 
Tbh, six meals is the cure. 
It takes six meals to
get over a hang over. 

I was a bad alcoholic for years. 
I drank way too much. In fact, 
the reason I quit was four day 
hangovers. Cornbread & Iced Tea 
took the place of pills & 90 proof. 
Booze has become such a scourge in 
my life now. I’m glad I quit drinking. 

Feel more better.

Sorry posted but can't delete so editing it out, soz.
Was giving out too much info.

Best solution I found was lots of water before I went to bed and a couple of ibuprofen (not great for the liver though) but I usually managed to be somewhat semi functional the next day.  Been three years since I had a hangover though and I definitely didn't follow my own advice that time, which was enough to make me not want to get in that state again.

As to whether it affects PM, maybe depending on how much you drink, plus any other substances will put an extra strain on the liver.  There isnt really an instant cure - your body needs to offload all the toxins anyway but lots of fluids to prevent de-hydration - water and fruit juices are really good as they willl help flush things out more quickly, oh and lots of nice food usually made me feel somewhat better. 

To be honest I found it was all too much effort dealing with a hangover so I just stopped drinking - that and losing a lot of my drinking friends when I came out but thats a whole other issue!


fizzie tabs that really do the trick

Not for instant results and not mainly intended for this purpose - more of an unusual side benefit.

DMAE (Dimethylethanolamine) is an OTC nootropic that helps with focus and concentration. It is also the main component of Centrophenoxine which is said to help remove amyloid beta, perhaps the main culprit responsible for alzheimers. DMAE is also in many cosmetic items as it helps remove dark or age spots (similar gunk to the amyloid beta plaques, but ones that appear on the surface of the skin).

I take DMAE every day as a result of trying/testing virtually every nootropic and this is the one thing (along with Huperzine A) that actually helps with focus, concentration and memory (huperzine A is more impactful on the latter).

A side benefit for regular users (like myself) is that it also helps snap one out of hangover effects. 

I wouldn't take it for that reason and I don't imagine single dosing will help with this, but it's worth being aware of.

I live in London and, unfortunately, hangovers are a common side effect of having a job and a few friends.

What works best for me is to take 2 paracetamol (1000 mg tot) when I wake up at night to go to the bathroom, and one can of coke or sprite or, better, a large freshly squeezed orange juice.

The "science": the hangover is given by inability of the brain to properly stimulate neuro receptors. It needs electrolites and sugars. While the paracetamol will keep the immediate pain at bay, the orange juice (or lemonades) will provide the sugar and electrolites needed. Also, being acidic it will help digestion, which is usually slowed down or compromised by the alcohol. 

I found that getting drunk on beer had the effect of seemingly increase my growth, and not to stop it. It could be that feeling "different" from the hangover was highlighting parts of me that gave me that feeling, or maybe the extra hydration was actually inflating some parts of my body temporarily. (Talking about 6 pints or so...).

(23-12-2019, 03:51 PM)Shirazmn Wrote:  I live in London and, unfortunately, hangovers are a common side effect of having a job and a few friends.

What works best for me is to take 2 paracetamol (1000 mg tot) when I wake up at night to go to the bathroom, and one can of coke or sprite or, better, a large freshly squeezed orange juice.

The "science": the hangover is given by inability of the brain to properly stimulate neuro receptors. It needs electrolites and sugars. While the paracetamol will keep the immediate pain at bay, the orange juice (or lemonades) will provide the sugar and electrolites needed. Also, being acidic it will help digestion, which is usually slowed down or compromised by the alcohol. 

I found that getting drunk on beer had the effect of seemingly increase my growth, and not to stop it. It could be that feeling "different" from the hangover was highlighting parts of me that gave me that feeling, or maybe the extra hydration was actually inflating some parts of my body temporarily. (Talking about 6 pints or so...).

I find that not drinking alcohol works faultlessly every time Wink

Stevenator...I'm happy that you quit drinking!
Most of the men in my family (uncles) were on a constant diet of beer. Everything revolved around drinking. 
The end result is always poor health and major family problems.
Alcohol was a major contributor to my dads eventual demise. As a youngster I had decided not to follow that path.

Also, during my years in the service I watched many guys live for that next beer, it became their life's goal.
My younger brother is always drinking because that's what our dad did. A poor excuse. He cannot socialize without a beer in his hand.
My sister wrecked her pancreas. She quit drinking but now is paying the price.

My hat goes off to you for making that life changing decision!

Sod the hangovers, have the flu now so no alcohol or PM just lots of asparin.
That's my problem now with self medicating, I now have to self medicate for everything.
Too scared to go to the Doctor because I know he will want to listen to my back and chest.
Not enthusiastic about surprising him with my herbs project, or accidentally poking his eye out, or something.  Blush

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