See if these adjustments help.
Hi all!
Thanks for the replies!
To give an update:
Through the last two months I’ve had several cases of the back pain resurfacing. Each time I stopped taking pm and it went away again. (When the pain was gone I started again. Sometimes a few days later sometimes a week later) That was until about two/three weeks ago when all of a sudden I started noticing breast growth!! Yes! I feel so happy! my disphoria is so much less I could cry out of happiness!
(With a push-up bra I actually have cleavage!)
Around that same time I noticed that my pains were by far not so severe as they were, though my breasts start to ache a lot and feel really itchy. But I guess that’s normal for them to grow so I accept that.
So my theory is that the body needs some re-adjusting and because needs to change a lot you will feel it (just a theory of course, I’m no doctor)
Another thing which might or might not be of influence: I started craving for and eating more cheese and less sugary stuff.
In the grand scheme of things there are tons of things that might be of influence. But I guess food is number one. I’m too lazy (unfortunately) to do a workout.
For a long time I stopped drinking coffee and instead I only drank tea, but last three weeks I drink a lot of coffee again and breastgrow continues so I’m happy about that!
I also smoke a lot so I’m not sure if that influences it a lot but happy with my steady growth " alt="" title="">
I quit sp all together and it seems to do the trick for me. Maybe try that?
Right now my daily intake is:
When I wake up:
2x 330mg pm pills
1x hairgro pI’ll
Before I go to sleep
2x 330mg pm pills
1x hairgro pill
1x fish oil pill
1x multi vitamine pill