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Aliexpress breast pump



I bought this manual pump:

It seems to be quite OK, but I suspect the cups might be too large for my current breast size. And another issue is that I have now marks around my boobs, rings which have lasted soon 24 hours, after pumping only for 15 minutes yesterday. Is this kind of "circular bruising" common, and how to avoid it?

I plan anyway to order slightly smaller cups (current are 123 mm or about 4.8" in diameter), hoping that they then fit better.


Use lotion where the cup edges hit your bust, then keep pressure moderate, don't overdo session durations. I don't know much anything else? Maybe wider foam/silicone rings on the cup edges? I never found anything really good for that, but afaik Noogle silicone rings are quite nice for that.

I got discolouration and edge marks super easy, they lasted ages to be completely gone, some say they don't get them like that, so I guess this is YMMV situation. Fifteen minutes should not be enough to do that unless pressure has been too high.

Hi Teddy,
I started off by using that type of breast cone too . I found they cut into my skin too and that the silicone rings easily slipped off under vacuum. I moved over onto Noogleberry cones and have never looked back. They are thicker carbonate and contoured too and much more comfortable to wear. Granted they are more expensive but it is worth it as they have now lasted me over two years.
take care

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