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Hello: I'm Marcia and excited to grow with you !


Hello everyone:

I am excited to join and participate. Many thanks to all of you for the great information and words of encouragement to newbies.
As a frequent lurking visitor, I've decided to share my modest gains and input. In hopes of perhaps helping, in some small way, a future dilettante as myself.

Dare I yearn to fulfill a dream ? ... Woe, is it not too late ?
Oh, Joy (.)(.) ... Behold, I've earned my buds ...
and so it begins.

Heart   Marcia

Hi Marcia,

Welcome to the club! 

What method did you use to make your gains?
How long have you been on this path? 
What are your goals?

Karen  Heart


Welcome to the family!!!


Hello Karen ... Thank you so much for welcoming me here to "the club". It is serendipitous that you would be the first to greet me, I've read nearly all your posts! Your own Introduce yourself TMI post could have been a copy/paste intro for my experiences.

Thank you for your questions.
(Sorry, definitely TMI ... I'm so excited to be here)

What method? Mostly herbal for about a year. I've been about T suppression for a long time and found info about Red Reishi and Licorice root extract last year. I have been on again off again since then. Also, physical interventions like tucking. About January, I discovered this site, and was dumbfounded by the verifiable success of so many men growing breasts. My first PM order was Jan, and my program has been sporadic and changing. For a couple of months now I have been a devotee of Lotus's program (thank you so much Lotus !!) See my profile for current supplements.

How long on path?  Maybe always. I have never felt adequate as a CIS gender male. Very late to puberty, never muscular, athletic or sports minded. Only slight facial hair, and attempts to grow mustache or beard are laughable. From my earliest recollection a serious infatuation with breasts and breast envy. Experimented with cross dressing in teenage years and even occasionally now (women's jeans) but rarely in public. I have some level of body dysphoria especially my low hanging male fruit. Hence my previous efforts at T suppression, with some success as my male bits are perhaps just almond sized. I would like to think of myself as androgynous.

Specifically, I added PM in Jan, to my RR and LRE, mostly one morning dose. Sometimes WP, and RC. On March 29th I woke up to realize I might possibly have breast buds. Days later there was no doubt, glandular, firm and tender and sensitive. In mid-April I panicked and stopped for three weeks realizing I was at the point of no return and needed to evaluate. Reading your posts, and others and knew this path was for me. I have been "all-in" since then, strictly following the Lotus program (see my profile) and have not missed a dose since. Things are progressing very quickly!

My Goals:  My goals are perky breasts, titties vs. boobs. Size wise I dream of 36B full cup. Ideal wise, androgynous look. If someone new met me they might linger or look again at my chest, but if I were shirtless or naked there would be no doubt ... those are titties!! Concealable, but not. Does this make sense?
My idols ... My namesake, Marcia (anyone remember The Brady Bunch?) ... here at BN, many, but I admire and would love to emulate Pansy-Mae (Hello Pansy) ... and celebrity wise Gwyneth Paltrow

Well, that's it ... so glad to be here 

Heart   Marcia

Hello Pooky

Thanks for welcoming me to the family ... so glad to have found all of you!

Headed over to explore some of your posts  Smile

Heart  Marcia

P.S. Just realized we joined BM the same month, but this is my first post.


You will find most everyone quite friendly and helpful.  There are several who have a wealth of knowledge.
After reading for a few hours you will be able to find the ones who can help you out with whatever you’re trying to accomplish.  Good luck and be safe.



Thanks for the additional details. I am honored that you have been reading my posts. Thanks for letting me know.

As you have discovered, consistency is key! Sounds like you have things rolling along now. Congratulations!

I think that you will enjoy BN even more, now that you have become an active member.

See you in the forums.

Karen  Heart

Best of luck. You are in the right place

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