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Trans Women Grip Strength


I had to laugh today when I saw this graph in the article I was reading. While I realize that TransFemme Science is frowned-upon here, I did a search about bone changes in relation with HRT.

The article pretty much confirmed my suspicions going in about TFS, but I literally lol'd when I saw the graph about Trans Women's Grip Strength lol.

For the record, now consider pickle jars a formidable foe lol.

(CSH is Cross Sex Hormonal therapy).

I don't know what all those letters and numbers mean, but I can tell you that I have very little upper body strength.  You can see that my arms are very thin, with no discernible biceps.  I can bench press . . . maybe just the bar--if its not too heavy LOL!  Some strands of raw spaghetti I could definitely do! Wink   However, I think my glutes (butt muscles) have become stronger and more well-developed and flexible.  Good for twerking! Rolleyes

I hate trying to open tight jars . . . I'll need assistance!


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