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Do I Have 'Pelvic Tilt'?


I've noticed a significant change in my posture since starting feminizing HRT.  I used to slouch, but now my shoulders are back, my new soft round "pregnant" belly protrudes, my curvy butt sticks out, my lower back arches inward, and my pointy little titties point forward.  I'm actually standing up straight in this photo.  (Notice the shapely girl in the mirror?  That's me--my reflection!) Wink

This thread mentions "pelvic tilt":

Lower back/hips very painful whilst on PM?

In that thread, Lotus says pelvic tilt is a sign of feminization.  I did some internet research and I found these diagrams.  It certainly seems like what I'm experiencing.  However, I haven't had any pain.  I thought I'd ask my fellow commenters on BN what they think.  Have you experienced it?  Do I have it?  What do you think of my "curvy" look?  I kind of like it! Big Grin


Hi Graceful,
I really can't tell with the picture posted on this thread but from what I remember from your pics on other threads I would say you have a very feminine shape that would appear you have the pelvic tilt of a female, and if I were to see you dressed as a woman I wouldn't think you were not, and even dressed in a tee shirt and jeans I may also recognize you as a woman, especially from the back. You have the figure I am striving for Blush

So I have been on BO for almost 2 years now and after a year I started getting hip pains, especially when I was sleeping, it was very uncomfortable, I can get back pains from my work on occasion so I I got back pains I probably thought it was work related. I didn't even tie pelvic tilt to my hip pains until I read about it on a thread, and I looked into it on here and tied the two together.

We all react differently to our regime of NBE, I am on BO and love it, I think I have the complete pelvic tilt now, but I really can't tell, all I can say is, I still take BO and hip pain is rarely if ever an issue anymore. So you may have just enough of a feminine figure to begin with making the transition of the pelvis relatively painless.

BTW, you are a lovely looking lady Heart

It's just a theory though.


Glad you're no longer in pain. Smile   Also glad you were able to achieve "pelvic tilt".  I think my "tilt" is a big reason I look as feminine as I do.  The previous photo of me is from an odd angle.  The first pic below shows how my belly "blends in" and helps give me "bikini curves".  The tilt I think also makes my butt seem shapelier and more feminine.  You say I look like a woman--for me that's a big compliment!  Thank you. Heart Kiss 

Haven't tried BO yet.  Based on what you say about my results, I think what I'm doing is working--so I won't mess with it! Big Grin 

I think pelvic tilt is significant--I'm surprised no one else on here has mentioned it.



I didn't even know it was a thing until I came across a thread here that mentioned it, and Lotus talked about how it works and the pains that could be associated with it, she's pretty darn smart, so I put my hip pains together with the pain I experienced while sleeping and it matched up, but I am still not sure if I have achieved pelvic tilt, but the hip pains are gone and I am still on BO.

I've been doing this NBE thing for years and only recently learned about pelvic tilt. 
I was very skeptical at first but no longer.
One clue is losing an inch, or so, of your height.

You will also walk differently.
Try walking with a very relaxed pelvis. You can even do this standing in place.
Example, as soon as you pick up your left foot, relax your spine and let the left side of you pelvis drop as far as it will go.
Then when you pick up your right foot, let that hip drop.
You may have to exaggerate it at first to get feel for it but once you get it going you will find the sweet spot.
It really feels good to walk like this. More relaxing and it seems easier on the hips and knees too.

I know that since starting NBE/HRT I walk differently, more of a sway of the hips, it just feels far more natural now. 
I did go through a 3-month period when I had major lower back / pelvis pain which I could explain other than NBE/HRT, however, from what I can tell, very little pelvic tilt, and I've never measured how tall I am, so for me it is just the change in how I walk.

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