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Hello everyone, here I am!


Hi! Shy I've found this forum when looking online about breast enhancement options for men.

When I was in puberty, Mom and I discovered slight breast growth. I felt quite uncomfortable sometimes, especially when I was in changing rooms. This was not improved by the huge amount of bullying in secondary school. It was when I was 18 years old that I looked at myself again and finally decided to accept the fact that I may have a feminine side to myself as per some of my traits. This revelation was a discovery of my non-binary identity. I started with some make-up at that time, though intermittently, and started looking into other ways to create a slightly feminine appearance. One thing that definitely feels right to me for such objective is a breast enhancement. 
Since then I researched for a couple years about herbal and mechanical ways to enlarge my breasts and started using (again intermittently at that time) a single breast pump. I just replaced it with a double breast pump as the first was lost in a moving process back to my parent's house after 4 months of living in a dorm room (I am a student at this time). I thought to myself it was time to seriously 'transition' into a non-binary appearance, though a make-up item got broken as well. I changed T-shirts for loose blouses and got back into researching natural breast enhancement options, and came along this website along the way.

I'm in need for help at this point, especially for when I find a place to live on my own once more. Feel free to ask any questions or share experiences!

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