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Excellent Article about Hops


I found what appears to be a real good technical article about the Compounds in Hops and their effect.

Enjoy .... and of course .... Hugs .... Karen

Here's another one ... from cancer research showing the anti-androgenistic qualities of Hops



Thank you Karen,

I knew the first one, but I always wondered what in hops is anti-androgen and what decreases IGF-1. Now I read xanthohumol does both. I read in another article that xanthohumol digests to 8-prenylnaringenin. Hops contains up to 10 times as much xanthohumol as 8-prenylnaringenin.

This means I can reduce the anti-androgen effect and increase the phyto-estrogenic effect of hops by taking it with a meal, instead of e.g. as tea more than 2 hours after dinner. Worth trying.

For us Dummies who do not understand all thatBig Grin is that a good thing? because im currently taking hops as my main herb in my well as FG.

Just subscribing to this thread to stay informed about Hops & it's pros & cons.

Hi Diva chick 32 and lostacres6,

The xanthohumol is a good thing, yes. You need an anti-androgen to prevent acne, hair loss, and excessive facial and body hair growth. The decrease in IGF-1 is only at very high doses, but for males, even that is a big plus. If you let IGF-1 have its way, your forehead and your ears will grow all your life.

Hi Isabelle!

It is a pleasure to talk to you.I have read alot of your post.WOW! you are very Educated about all this. well I am going the Hops,FG,SP,spearmint-peppermint tea route for alot of reasons.1 they keep all this in stock at my local Vitamin shoppe.2 price,it is cheaper than PM.3 do not have to order anything! wanted to post my current program to run it by you if you don't
Hops,3100mg a day.5 caps morning,2 at lunch 3 at night.
FG,620mg a day.
SP 450mg a day.
spearmint-peppermint one cup a day.
I am only about 2 weeks in right now so cannot say if it is working or not.I do have pains every now and then. I am very hopeful that this will work and I don't have to go the PM route.I guess time will tellDodgy. Let me know if I need to change anything or amounts.
Thank you so much!

Diva chick 32.

Hi Diva chick 32,

You can drop the tea and SP, since there is an anti-androgen in hops. Hops may make you sleepy. If so, take it all at night.

Gotcha! thanks for the adviceSmile I just hope the hops are potent enough to get me at-least a little results.are there others that have had good results off it? seems like PM is all the hype right now.I just wonder how hops compares to PM as far as potency goes?

(09-02-2012, 07:05 PM)Diva chick 32 Wrote:  Gotcha! thanks for the adviceSmile I just hope the hops are potent enough to get me at-least a little results.are there others that have had good results off it? seems like PM is all the hype right now.I just wonder how hops compares to PM as far as potency goes?

As we all say all the time, what works for one may not work for another.
I've tried hops and it simply doesn't work for me, PM does. You'll need to experiment to find what works for you. Don't dismiss anything until and unless you've tried it.

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