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Bruce Jenner


(09-06-2015, 02:42 AM)Rayve Wrote:  Not sure why are you are being so aggressive Sad. I guess I'll just leave this thread. I guess I'll just stop having opinions on here Sad.

I'm not being aggressive! There's no hatred!! If you were sitting right here with me actually talking about this, it'd be a friendly discussion! This is one thing I hate about having to type everything, you can't type inflection and those that read what you wrote put their own slant on things! I could say, "Have a nice day!", and they'd read it as if I just told them to jump off a bridge!

(09-06-2015, 02:54 AM)Rayve Wrote:  No worries, I won't post on it anymore. You win.
I'm not here to WIN!

Jeez, get worn out, take a break, and the whole world changes. ;-)

I do not see Bruce Jenner (Now Caitlyn) as "brave" in the sense that multiple other groups ARE brave in.
Combat troops.
Teens or younger, who come out to unknowledgeable and maybe unsupportive parents - and thus have no chance to grow and even live, in some cases.
Anyone "different" born to such parents.

Which is also part of the issue with the whole "religious" bit - MOST are nutcases when examined; the rest are useful idiots.... (As Marx termed them, mind...)

Truth is, several of the things we think of as "major advances" in freedom are, in fact, NOT. Brown v. Board of Education; Miranda; Income Tax; Social Security; Obamacare. SSN was supposed to be a secret; now, more people know my SSN than know me.
Miranda DID ensure we were notified of our right; it also made legal the Inquisitorial, aka Star Chamber, method of interrogation. I.E., you can be informed of your Miranda rights - which then means anything you say is in fact "voluntary." Even if you sign a confession after 15 hours straight interrogation a la the "third degree."
Brown v. BoE enforced integration, claiming that separate was inherently unequal. However, it mandated the mixing, proclaiming all would be equal - and in so doing, destroyed the schools. "If the black man cannot succeed, it is now his OWN fault." (So, you want to talk institutional racism, you've now made it legal... Because if he fails, it's his own inherent inability that's holding him back, NOT because we're racist.) I.E., there's a presumption in there... Like how women will wear pants for sexual gratification, to riff of a posting up a bit here.

Part of the problem, and the reason I basically want to be left alone, and therefore require the ability to FORCE people to leave me alone (preferably a double-stack 1911 style) - is because many people cannot understand or tolerate such a lifestyle You MUST accept our god(s), our traditions (e.g., human sacrifice, or ritualized cannibalism... "For who so eats my flesh, and drinks my blood..." Or, just as easily, the Indian thugee religion, of sacrificing a willing victim to Kali by strangling. Note, WILLING - and also, it echoes Christ's "sacrifice" - who knew he would rise on the third day, s hat was the sacrifice...? but I digress. Willing victim, again. The Thuggee were wiped out by the British. Because human sacrifice is wrong, Mkay? Rolleyes )

As to whether or not Caitlyn should be able to wear what she wants, when she wants - Yes! I should be allowed to wear a skirt, and not even bother with shaving my legs, hose, heels, or anything else! (And I mean skirt, not kilt, though _I_ can't discern a difference...) I do understand, too, the "reasons" women shouldn't wear pants... Didn't make sense overall, BUT: It draws attention to the crotch. Makes it a focal point. Whereas a dress or skirt draws attention to the curves, the womanly appearance. But it's not practical in many cases, e.g., Pony Express, factory floors, ships, riding (I don't need to try sidesaddle to know it's effing stupid.) Even the low bar bicycle is meant to accommodate skirts....

Now, the Caitlyn transition was ripped apart by Crowder, I think it is - Louder with Crowder? Something like. Anyway, made the whole build-up about how Caitlyn was trying to say Genders (used interchangeably with sex. :-P ) don't matter, so a man can be a woman, a woman can be a man, a woman can have a penis and a man can have a vagina... Completely wrong, but not going to be able to change that one's mind. (Like the Left, the Right is frequently right on certain topics. It's the overall that always means they're BOTH wrong.)
If, in fact, Gender (sex) were mutable - changeable - then Why the F#%$ would we care? We just wear a dress one day, and pants the next. (Hey, isn't that what women do now...? Anyway.) The whole POINT of Femulating (to borrow a term from Stana) is to Emulate the grace, poise, beauty, composure, and strength of women.
Something most WOMEN can't be bothered with.... Note the casualness of the clothing. Unless a lawyer or high exec, most women don't dress for work. And clubbing or bar hopping, they look like sluts. You almost want to ask, "How much?" (So much classier than the "DTF!" call from Jersey Shore, right...?)

They don't need to wear crinolines and corsets, but if the skirt is so short you can see their thong...? Or the blouse so sheer you can see her bra? Hmmm. Not classy.

I can't speak for everyone, but I want to be beautiful - and men are utilitarian. Meant for brute strength and single-minded processing. Objective: Exceeded. Enemy: Killed. Target: Eliminated.
Whereas - who has seen a mother cooking, while watching the children, and carrying on a conversation with her girlfriend or mother, all at once? Juggling all tasks, not dropping a single one? (And they can do it in the office, too.)
{Side note: We switch gears so many times during the day in my office, I don't have a clue any more which way is up. The tranny is stripped. Clutch melted down a few years back...}

I don't want to emulate Pink's punk style, and I don't think most of us find it attractive in a lot of ways. (Of note, women can get more leeway because they're seen as less of a threat; when they're punks, as in the old-school usage, they're mostly "bratty" to Joe Schmo. Even if they can kick his @$$ without breaking a sweat. But do you want to react with a, "There, there." type response to a 6' 180# guy with a 12" mohawk in rainbow colors? Or is it more like, "Better back off, boy!" ? And 180 isn't large, we know. )
Girls with sleeves, tats all over, especially the face...? Dermal implants? Hey, their choice. But it turns it's back on the whole concept of femininity. These females have decided to embrace shows of strength. That is their right! But, it's not what we -who generally could KO them with limited or no effort - want to emulate, generally. Had that "privilege" for the last 40 years. Need to get a certified response out to a real estate company ASAP, for example, and - well, the "strong, independent, I don't need no man" SO can't be bothered. This is the woman who checks the account three times a day at least, and gets notifications on her phone of every purchase. but if they take her to court, well, she'll make them change their mind... (How? I guess I better get back to work and earn money to pay that lawyer... )

As for BS like "gay rights," the big one seems to be "marriage." 1. Marriage is meant to make a stable environment for children. Gays don't exactly fit that, because their union won't produce children.
2. WTF is the purpose of getting government involved? Why, to ensure that a marriage is a THREE WAY contract, of course! ([said with a good southron accent] And to keep those niggers from marryin' good white folk. /accent But I digress. However, miscegenation was the reason for the marriage license and the blood test. blood test also ensured you weren't TOO close in relations - IE, no first cousins.)
The government got involved because "evil men" were leaving their "faithful wives" (long suffering angels) and leaving them with NOTHING... The poor dears were DESTITUTE.... (sob, sob.)
So someone had to DO SOMETHING... And like any good prostitute, law makers stepped up, and destroyed EVERY man for what a FEW might have done. MIGHT have done.
Further, there's common law marriage. I've stayed away from common law states for that very reason, but found it may not matter. GIRLFRIENDS are being awarded palimony, I think it's called...
And the government collects, you better believe. Whenever it can. WHATever it can.

I don't think Bruce "hurt the cause." I don't see a cause. We're either free - or not free. People can CHOOSE to see us as freaks. Or they can CHOOSE to know us. They CANNOT choose to stone us, or knife us, or drag us to death behind a car.... Etc.
The reason doesn't matter, the crime is what matters.

We do run into the problem of, "a whore can't be raped," true. (I.E., a streetwalker may be ignored by the police because they think she's making it up - she got stiffed on payment, wants payback.) But p0rn certainly adds to that "elan" (pardon twisting the term). "traps", "she-males", "sissies," twinks (technically gay male bottoms), probably a lot more. (And I left out transvestite intentionally.)
It's like Jerry Springer all the time... Not so much Brandon Teena.

But unlike us, Bruce can choose to be Caitlyn in a near-perfect presentation. Afford the surgeries on her own dime. and afford to live in isolation if she chooses, including going to Thailand or to Netherlands or to someplace else where NO ONE WILL CARE....

We shop at second-hand stores, try to make our SOs satisfied, try to put it off, try to avoid it, try to reason with it, bargain with it, hide it, treat it like drinking or gambling.... And at the same time, we have concerns of raising children, dealing with our parents, and STILL have the wackos out there who will attack us "just because." (Welcome to life as a woman, sort of... ;-) )

Bruce had several children with different women. Stayed wealthy the whole time, and then married into money. (If that even matters...) And now has a new income source, too, to offset costs we can't even scrimp and save for.
(No joke, first thing I thought when I got my inheritance from my grandparent's estate was, "I can transition!" Then I put it towards education so I could make more money and afford the transition, and also be so valuable to the company no one would care. 15 years later, I don't have the degree and I don't have the money, ANY of the inheritance or MY money left. And a woman who wants to control me. Maybe no one should listen to me, ya know? Downpayment on a house? Me. Payments on her car? Me. Pay for the daughter, the custody battle? Me. Give up my bike, sell the other bike, drive my car into the ground, pay both our insurance, medical bills, etc, etc, etc. Pay for her to make a business which never made a SALE, forget got out of the red.... Yeah. Anyway.) Piece by piece, we've ALL been there.
Except Bruce / Caitlyn. The Olympics weren't easy, I'm sure. Lots of training, lots of dedication. I did similar in other areas. The obsessiveness allows us to hide our weakness, our perceived flaw.

I can't arrange $100/month for the meds.
Can't take over the financial concerns (it's a shambles, and long story short, we're constantly robbing peter to pay Paul so we can pay John next week so we can rob Thomas to bribe Peter the week after. I've done it before, and faced all SORTS of problems there. )

I don't begrudge her her success; I see the word "brave" applied too cavalierly. E.G., there was a young girl who managed her scholastic career, her sports involvement, AND her cancer - and she did NOT get any awards, even posthumously.

Caitlyn gets to live a pampered life, in essence, because she CAN spend enough to pass.
I won't pass in a dark room with a blind man, who must rely on his eyes alone...
Probably ever.

So, "Brave" not so much. visible, might've helped that way, but Chelsea Manning comes to mind, too... What about Edward Snowden? He KNEW he'd be branded a traitor.... Did it anyway. And the NSA is STILL recording all we do, Panopticon is still underway, we're all still deviants... Etc.

BTW, for more on the law "as it's supposed to be" :

I've been working my way through, The lawyer who does it is presenting things well - but still believes in the system.

Lastly, I'm NOT a libertarian. Can't be, I believe in protecting myself aggressively. Someone walks up to me with a gun pointed at me, I believe in killing them. A state-issued badge is irrelevant, especially these days. The gun is for lethal force, which is employed when someone doesn't bend over and spread'em fast enough for the authoritarians. It's not there for show, it's for projecting power. And the cops have no duty of care to any of us - they can legally wait outside until the perp leaves, for "occifer safety." (It's a decision by SCOTUS, BTW.)
They also need not know the law. Nor do they need to follow the gun laws we mere mundanes are subject to, nor are they held accountable as we are.
Uniform or no, badge or no, a thug is a thug. Should be treated as such. And they don't come to talk to me for fun.... So, since they'll be protected by color of law regardless - pro-active defence and headshots are preferred.

Somehow, I didn't see the iceberg coming in the relationship side, but it's going to be resolved soon. MUST be, for my own sanity.

Okay, so Caitlyn had, no, TOOK a leg up that those teens never had/took. Bruce didn't CHOOSE to be famous, he chose to try his damndest to win at the Olympics! He did and the fame followed him! Otherwise, he was NO different than any other potentally TS kid! Most recently, his fame comes from his pointlessly famous daughters! If it wasn't for them, his TS story would just be in a back page somewhere.

Bruce Jenner gets a sex change a bus in Hoboken ran over a puppy today! More news on the puppy after these words!

Caitlyn faces torture and death from religoid pinheads who SHOULD be wearing white hoods and burning crosses on peoples' lawns! I don't understand what's so hard to get about that? Maybe you had to be in her shoes at least once to see it for real!! I KNOW what it's like!! One night, I stepped out on stage in a mini skirt and pantyhose behind my drums and some asshole filled with hate and prejudice rushed the stage and tried to tackle me!! Not horrific enough for you? Okay, a few years before, we were playing a party in the house where we rehearsed. The house was LOADED with people, so I went to one of the bedrooms upstairs to change into my tights and mini skirt just before going on in the basement. I came downstairs to first floor to look for the rest of the band and 5 or 6 guys started chasing me through the house yelling, "Kill the faggot!!" I ran back upstairs to one of the bedrooms but couldn't lock the door!! I had to hold it shut with my foot! They figured out I was in there and tried to push the door open! They could get the top open enough to reach in and then they threw beer on me, then tried to set me on fire via the beer!! THAT'S the kind of bullshit Caitlyn faces!!! Maybe even worse!! Who KNOWS what some sick fuck-up has in mind?? And, I STILL don't get how just because someone's famous, they don't deserve the same rights as everybody else! What does fame have to do with it?? Anybody that risks life & limb is brave!

Yeah, I'd love to just jump into a shirt and go shopping or what have you regardless of pantyhose or shaved legs, OR trying to be the least bit fem, too!! What the fuck? Women wear pants all the time and nobody says a thing about it!! Why shouldn't I be allowed to wear a skirt?? Again, safety in numbers and the more of us that do it, and the more often we do it, the more acceptable it will become!! Got any male friends, potential TS's or not, that would like to wear skirts in public with you? Get them all together some day and go someplace where you'll be seen by lots of people. Take girlfriends with you so they can't say you're gay! MOST people will either applaud you, or join you!! The more you have, the less likely you'll all be attacked!! I've had guys show up on their own at our gigs wearing skirts and they walk up to me and say they did it in my honour! Others would DEMAND that I wear the skirt!! They knew I had a girlfriend!
The strange thing about guys wearing skirts, though, is that women that see you will happily walk up to you, flip your skirt into the air over your waist and go "Woohoo!!", and expect you to just stand there and take it, but, as soon as you try to do it to them...!!

OK, need to reply in a few pieces here. Smile

(09-06-2015, 09:18 AM)WantAPair Wrote:  Okay, so Caitlyn had, no, TOOK a leg up that those teens never had/took. Bruce didn't CHOOSE to be famous, he chose to try his damndest to win at the Olympics! He did and the fame followed him! Otherwise, he was NO different than any other potentally TS kid! Most recently, his fame comes from his pointlessly famous daughters! If it wasn't for them, his TS story would just be in a back page somewhere.

I need to nit-pick a little here. Bruce HAD to know that fame would follow the Olympics. So, in a real sense, he DID _CHOOSE_ to be famous. Unlike being TG, which I think most of us would gladly give up if we could - just to be normal... Not have the "voices", if you will. It would make life SO much easier...

(09-06-2015, 09:18 AM)WantAPair Wrote:  Bruce Jenner gets a sex change a bus in Hoboken ran over a puppy today! More news on the puppy after these words!

I think that's an indictment of our "news" (edutainment) system. ;-) You're right about it, though, except without the Olympic angle, we'd never have heard of Bruce Jenner. (There'd be no Kardassian connection, either.)

(09-06-2015, 09:18 AM)WantAPair Wrote:  Caitlyn faces torture and death from religoid pinheads who SHOULD be wearing white hoods and burning crosses on peoples' lawns! I don't understand what's so hard to get about that? Maybe you had to be in her shoes at least once to see it for real!! I KNOW what it's like!! One night, I stepped out on stage in a mini skirt and pantyhose behind my drums and some asshole filled with hate and prejudice rushed the stage and tried to tackle me!! Not horrific enough for you? Okay, a few years before, we were playing a party in the house where we rehearsed. The house was LOADED with people, so I went to one of the bedrooms upstairs to change into my tights and mini skirt just before going on in the basement. I came downstairs to first floor to look for the rest of the band and 5 or 6 guys started chasing me through the house yelling, "Kill the faggot!!" I ran back upstairs to one of the bedrooms but couldn't lock the door!! I had to hold it shut with my foot! They figured out I was in there and tried to push the door open! They could get the top open enough to reach in and then they threw beer on me, then tried to set me on fire via the beer!! THAT'S the kind of bullshit Caitlyn faces!!! Maybe even worse!! Who KNOWS what some sick fuck-up has in mind?? And, I STILL don't get how just because someone's famous, they don't deserve the same rights as everybody else! What does fame have to do with it?? Anybody that risks life & limb is brave!

I grew up with a lot of rough-and-tumble play. I can't guess about the attempted tackle (I think A-hole). I can see humor in the attempted burning, actually, but that's because of my chemistry background. (Alcohol burns... Beer not so much. How drunk were those idiots, anyway? Hence, "funny." But I wasn't there. I'd be shitting bricks if I were, I'm certain - because of the beer didn't work, they might well find a way in. I'm guessing you're not built like me, especially at that age: People crossed the street to stay away from me. 5'8", 175#, and a lump of muscle head to toe. Usually with an angry look. I'd guess you understand that look, I think most of us have it; it's the mask we wear, though the details change - we wear masks all the time, to hide and protect our true selves. Weightlifting, swimming, and escapism in video games and books was how I dealt with it. Never a team type, either. So the "angry young man" bit served to keep potential enemies - and I'd been the target through grade school, this was high school, and I'd already had one testicle ruptured, wasn't going for two. Anyway) - I DO understand the terror, though, from other incidents. SOBER people, mind, and not even because I was "transgressing." Merely breathing was enough. People who wanted to injure me because I was there, when I was alone, and they were alone... When they were in a group? I can still feel the impotent rage, the fear never lasted with me. It turned immediately. Like the bit from the original "Red Dawn." The colonel, I think he was, sees one of the kids carving notches into his AK-47 stock. "All that hatred's gonna burn you up." "Keeps me warm." was the response. Still there. Still burning. I need to make sure I don't erupt - which works well with (a) being an introvert, so fewer people to deal with, less stres and pressure; (b) women don't get angry like that (I know, untrue, but if you're trying to live up to the ideal? Controlling anger or not having anger, which works better? Women seemed able to "let it go" much more than men. Probably aping my parents, one a neurotic, one an authoritarian egotist.)
Also, the idiots you dealt with didn't necessarily MEAN anything by it - they just thought it would be fun (for THEM...) - hence the sort of anger I face, too. I wasn't allowed to fight back, you see - that was wrong. Evil. To DEFEND myself. That old routine of, School punishes you, then Mom chews you out, then Dad comes home and punishes you. And the bully? Gets sympathy. And this is mid - late Eighties. Not even the f*cked-up socailist indoctrination "equality" centers we have now. (Example: SO's daughter was being bullied in school. She complained. Reported events. WE complained to the school. 6 months later, they're still, "Building a case," when M. has had enough, and drags her bully around by the head. M. got in trouble, and we couldn't get the SOBs to acknowledge the original problem. How long are we supposed to wait? And what are we if we DO wait the way I did, go to authority figures and avoid the problem people? Then we're sissies... I even had one woman, a playground monitor, tell me she wouldn't do anything. I shouldn't be around her. So, Authority is useless; fighting is evil. What's left, curl up and die? (Which, again, almost happened, and the actual assault was about half a second, and left me unable to walk.)
I prefer Rayve's solution, and I disagree with government: No such thing as overkill, for reasons like my and your examples. There's more than one? They attack you? Kill all but one, or try to, and I don't care if you're armed with a flamethrower and they're not. It's too easy to be swarmed and killed even if you're armed and they are not. (Cops do a 20-foot drill, IIRC - whole point is, within about 20 feet, someone can close the distance and take you down before you can clear gun from holster. Space is your friend. So for us, who DO NOT have "color of law" authority, and who WILL likely be prosecuted for self-defense anyway? Dead men tell no tales. So, a double-tap is fine by me. Even brutalizing the bodies afterwards. 'cause survivors may come back with friends to finish the job. So in your example? A few shots through the door, and an aggressive chase afterwards hunting survivors. Finish the wounded at your convenience.... And that's ASSUMING they were just a-holes (males) "Having fun." (Bear in mind, the dumber the male, the more they find that shite funny. Chlorine in the shallow end of the gene pool is a GOOD thing. Darwin's Law is a GOOD thing. Ensuring children never mature is a BAD thing - and to then subject US to those 40-year-old children's abuses, and tell us we can't defend ourselves - while cops can shoot fleeing supects in the back without repercussions, mind - No, I can't deal with that. No witnesses. If done right, no bodies, either. They can ID the skeletons if they ever find them. Log chippers make that hard... Etc. I know, tough-guy talk. But enough is enough. the fact that we bear these mental, emotional, and PHYSICAL scars is too much. We allow the guilty to go free and punish the victim. So, I understand the fear and the anger, and I understand where you're coming from. I understand where they MIGHT have been coming from, and can sort of give them benefit of the doubt, as to intents. They still pay the price, though, and I now beleive in being thorough and complete... Because our laws will punish US, and exonerate THEM, when THEY initiated. If I'm going to be presumed a criminal, I might as well act the role and get that pleasure of "settling the score."
That would also end the "white hoods" side pretty fast. (Trivia: Original gun control laws were used to preven "Negros" from obtaining weapons, regardless of satatus as slave or free. Last thing a bully wants is a well-armed target who refuses to be a victim... And at this point, it's been refined to, "we is all n*ggers, now." Slaves just get to vote who runs the tax plantation. Remember, the Soviets got to vote, too... someone controlled the counting of the votes, and who got on the ballot, though.)
I refuse to be slave to my hormones (male OR female doesn't matter, you're not supposed to be ruled by them. "Feelings" are for children. Adults take emotion as part of the picture, not as the controlling influence.) Won't be a slave to a distant "government", either. Avoid if possible, stay invisible, and go where the government is less onerous.

(09-06-2015, 09:18 AM)WantAPair Wrote:  Yeah, I'd love to just jump into a shirt and go shopping or what have you regardless of pantyhose or shaved legs, OR trying to be the least bit fem, too!! What the fuck? Women wear pants all the time and nobody says a thing about it!! Why shouldn't I be allowed to wear a skirt?? Again, safety in numbers and the more of us that do it, and the more often we do it, the more acceptable it will become!! Got any male friends, potential TS's or not, that would like to wear skirts in public with you? Get them all together some day and go someplace where you'll be seen by lots of people. Take girlfriends with you so they can't say you're gay! MOST people will either applaud you, or join you!! The more you have, the less likely you'll all be attacked!! I've had guys show up on their own at our gigs wearing skirts and they walk up to me and say they did it in my honour! Others would DEMAND that I wear the skirt!! They knew I had a girlfriend!
The strange thing about guys wearing skirts, though, is that women that see you will happily walk up to you, flip your skirt into the air over your waist and go "Woohoo!!", and expect you to just stand there and take it, but, as soon as you try to do it to them...!!
Yeah - the women. They think they are "getting even." They're SO OPPRESSED, the poor dears. Men tried for generations to shelter them; the code of chivalry was meant to prevent women from being injured, in part; it also regulated conduct on the battlefield. In addition, there were rules for the WOMEN to follow - which we have essentially thrown out. Modesty, chastity, honor, these were feminine values. Women were expected to live up to the code, too, in order to GAIN the respect a LADY - not just a woman - was due. Now, reality vs. chivalric ideals, I'd wager reality was different. But you can't demand all the perks, and provide nothing from your end of the contract. Women demand the man pay. Women demand to be cherished, treated like a queen. What happens when a man does this? If he's lucky, she sort of "throws it back at him" now and again - like one ex GF, she'd pay the bill when we went out whenever she could, she'd take care of me whenever she could. The current one? Not so much - I got played for a sucker. And I'm still paying. and it's truly amazing when you read of a man paying half his income in alimony, and he says he's happier than he's been in years, and there's always money. More money than month, for the first time since she entered his life. And she might've even been earning more than he, that's becoming more common, too. But again, if he doesn't pay for it all...? He's not worth her time.
SO oppressed.... Men try all sorts of stupid actions and activities just to get her attention, and the women chastise those men for being "neaderthals" or such. But withdraw all that attention, what do they do? Cutting is up, alcohol abuse is up, satisfaction with life is down, antidepressants are being popped like tic-tacs.
But if you'll go out in a skirt? They'll ridicule you, flip the skirt up, I've even heard of groping and being hit in the crotch.
All in the name of "equality" and "Now YOU know what it's like." (and that's the ones who don't just yell out, "PERVERT" or such.)
But GOD FORBID you try to defend yourself, even just holding her off if she's trying to claw you. [also suggest the Amazon Prime series, Transparent. See the bathroom scene at the mall. Makes both examples, in fact.]

As to bringing others in on it - I think we'll always be "abnormal" in that sense. Androgynous or male-oriented skirts have been on the runways for years already; they don't sell. Men don't take "skirts" seriously. (and many women leverage this, too. I guess it's true that men can only think with one head at a time...? :-P :-( Given my SO's idea of foreplay would make a sailor blush... It's real easy to keep the RIGHT head focused.)
Men for some reason prefer to have on trousers. (Technically, "pants" are for women - contraction of "pantaloons," aka bloomers.) I agree it's more practical; I'm irritated by the fact that women can dress as they want, to the point of being inappropriate at work, and no one says anything... But a man can't wear panties, even "granny panties," without being shamed, maybe attacked. "People of walmart" has many examples, including guys wearing women's thongs. They're held up for ridicule. They'd be held up for ridicule if they were wearing Men's thongs, too. But a woman's thong, when that shows, it's "sexy." Why? Because, really, she's ADVERTISING. (I.E., saying she's easy, in the warped but "normal" mind. WTF?) Same as a low-cut sirt, a short skirt, sheer blouse, "FMPs," etc. What's the male equivalent? The fast (expensive) car, expensive watch, Italian leather shoes, and deference of other men to his "status" (Charisma and power, mostly by raw physical power and force of personality. Any sort of non-Alpha male is discarded as "not a man" by women. She might settle for one when her looks start to go - she'll also ask, "where did all the good men go?" while pretending that "40 is the new 18".... Hey, it's a free country - she can pretend and be delusional all she wants. And I can walk away. :-) I don't owe her anything, she doesn't owe me anything (beyond basic courtesy; we still must be civil to each other. Which stops the Skirt bit, too, which is also classed as "rape" now, BTW - if you do it to her.)

We also need to keep in mind that women are at least as competitive as men, it's just not as blatant. (It's also ongoing, she's ALWAYS competing - whereas, with men, it's usually not a grudge match. One beats the other, they shake hands and move on. Women will continue to shun and snipe each other, even at work.) Maybe it's more of a, "I don't really know what's coming." (Meaning, for me, wanting to be feminine.) I'm also coming tot he conclusion that MANY people are in fact, low-class, in the old sense, "commoners." Peasants, who will never be more than. Parochial (closed-down, small) minded. petty, venal. Again, claiming for be religious, they'll claim they're inclusive and Christian (or other), and then they go out of church and beat their children, abuse their wife, slander their neighbor, etc, etc, etc. Christian in name only, to riff on "RINO." Whatever happened to the "golden rule?" Do we NEED weapons at all, if people would be decent? No. But since we're in the real world? Well, mentioned that above.

I am hopeful I can get some of my basics straightened out, and move on a bit - got a LOT of baggage, it would be helpful if I could just leave it behind somewhere. It's the sort of approach I'd treid to use on this: Finances and work sorted, cute girl who's "in the know" about me, and still wants to be with me; and, she's an adult. Control body weight, work on beard removal and FFS, do as much of a "stealth" transition as possible. Come out only when necessary, and enjoy life at that point (not that I was supposed to be miserable in the lead-up to that.) Somehow, I went so far off course, I don't even know what PLANET I'm on any more.
I think it would be GREAT if I could rewind life a bit... Failing that, lose the whole bi-gender bit. Failing that, if I can make myself passable. Failing THAT, ... Dunno, I'm stumped.

So there IS some envy of Jenner, no doubt. :-)

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