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Weight Loss and Breast Growth


Huggy and Jean,
I'm right there with you.
I'm very active and am always outdoors doing something. I started NBE in Jan, and have not been able to lose any of the winter overage.
And my butt has grown. Not what I wanted N-bust-E to do for me.
I have a great selection of size 10 shorts, thats just dont make it any more.
I have also noticed that my strength is way down and my physical duration (not sex) is gone as well. So to do a tough work out to burn calories and fat just is not working. I just dont have the stamina to keep it up.
The only snack sin I have is wine. no chips, sodas or candy.
I've even been off all NBE since Sept and what I got seems to be stuck.
I'm going to try the Kettlebell exercise and see how it works. This on to be exact I have 2 kettle bells one at 35 lbs and another at 10.
I'm also going to try FG oil massage to focus fat collection to where I want it.

Hi Bobbi

Thought that for me the weight issue was as much a part of being limited by the CFS as the NBE, but that's clearly not the issue for you and Jean. I do sooooo wish I could be more active!

It doesn't seem to be a major problem for most here as it generally seems possible to control weight using normal methods and still do NBE. But I wonder if for a few of us we need slightly higher levels of testosterone to keep everything working properly? I had to work really hard to get into the NBE zone and everything I have learned and experienced seems to indicate that I am one of those with higher DHT/testosterone levels. Had to take very high doses to beat the beasties down, but once I had I started to get real results. But then I noticed a negative effect on my weight loss programme which was previously going well. Plus my fatigue levels began rising again, and if I am honest I got a dose of the glums too.

I don't know, and I am throwing the question out there, but for those of us with this specific issue I wonder if a more nuanced approach may be necessary? Can we design a programme that takes care not to suppress too much the higher metabolic rate and muscle under the influence of T so we can loose the weight and keep fit, but still moderate things enough to allow the affects of oestrogen to give us the curves we want?

Don't want to hijack this thread which is more about exercise so will also pose this question on the other thread about weight loss. But any input would be greatly appreciated.


Hi, Huggy!
I don't know how bad CFS affects normal life, or what your exercise needs are.
There are low-impact means of burning fat, for instance.

Or HIIT might work. Depends on how bad the CFS is, but short term, high energy burn, might be ok.
My body is falling apart right now, because I HAVEN'T been working out for a week... If I could, I'd work out daily, for hours every day. Not sure if it's because that would distract me from the GID, but my body loves being used and abused, not in the pervy way. ?

What's your objective?

Hi Jean

Not going to get the violins out, but the CFS can be a right bear sometimes. To give you an idea, my exercise regime basically consists of 4 minutes walking on a treadmill.... and that's on a good day. When I first got hit I was effectively immobile for about 2 years so I am actually doing a lot better now, but it is a very slow process. Thankfully I don't have the pain that many with CFS have to endure, but for me it's gone into the brain and concentrating for any length of time is difficult. That said, I am doing ok and I know there are a lot out there who are in far more difficult circumstances than I am so definitely not complaining.

In my yoof I was often down the gym and my body responded amazingly well to pumping the weights. I could put on muscle with far more ease that my mates, and although I am now well into my 50's my muscles will pop at the slightest sign of activity. I recon I could curl an empty beer can and still pump my biceps! ;-) Like you, given a chance my body responds very well to being active and I know exactly what you mean. Just got to work through the CFS and get back to being able to start getting fit again.

And you may be right on exercise being a distraction with the GID. Doing something positive... endorphins... poking the hormones... etc.

My objectives? What a question! Umm, get well, get slim, get curves.......... find peace.


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