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Reishi Advice


Hi everybody, I've been lurking here for a while and I've finally decided to start a routine in a month or so! Big Grin Big Grin  I'm mainly looking for small boobs and full-body feminization, like wider hips, less body hair, fat redistribution, stuff like that. So I'm planning on taking it slow  Tongue

I've read through a lot of threads here, including Lotus's posts and a bunch of people's routines. They've all been really helpful, and I'm planning on starting with 500mg Ainterol PM for the first week or two, then moving up to 1000mg. I'll also be taking extra calcium, magnesium, and omega-3 supplements.

I'm also planning on taking RR as an anti-androgen, 1 capsule a day. The capsules I've found are 400mg each, with a 20:1 dual extract and 1:1 full-spectrum extract. It also has "at least 40% polysaccharides, 30% beta-glucans and 1% triterpenes", which is the highest I've found I can get here in the Netherlands. 

Here's the link if you want to check:

According to the 20:1 extract, does this mean one capsule is equivalent to 8000mg of RR? Is this too much to start out with, or is it fine? Also, is there a maximum dosage I should keep in mind for if I ever want to increase later?  Huh Huh 

Also, if you have any other tips for the joruney, please feel free to share them! Thanks!  Big Grin Big Grin

I took not even that much, but its surely not too much. Extracts almost never work one to one compared to what they're made of so dosing might be tricky. Usually raw stuffs are better, but in some cases extracts work just fine. The RR I used back in the day was also an extract and it worked very nicely.

I'm quite sure dosage could be even higher without problems, but I never tested it out much. I was taking extract capsule which was dosed well so one per day worked. It was something I remember Lotus recommending back then, I've been off of reishi for a very long time now so I'm not sure. I've been thinking about trying it out just for health benefits and knowing how it curbs DHT, it could be a nice little addition even though I'm on a powerful T blocker which should keep also DHT in check.

I remember the polysaccharide count being the most important thing to look into, higher is better. Mine was also at 40% if I remember correctly.

Welcome aboard and hope you achieve your goals, but watch out for boob greed, it can be addictive LOL
I used to take PM and that gave me some decent results, then changed to HRT and grew to a decent B cup. I've backed off a little with the HRT as I don't really want anymore boobs, so now on RR which seems to be working for body feminisation.
My RR is from British Supplements and I take 3/day, which along with 2~3 cups of green tea seems to be the right amount for me.
Enjoy teh journey.

Hi DiDi and wee2er! Thanks for the responses.

Quote:I took not even that much, but its surely not too much.

It's good to hear I won't be doing excessively much for my body. 

Quote:I'm quite sure dosage could be even higher without problems, but I never tested it out much. I was taking extract capsule which was dosed well so one per day worked. It was something I remember Lotus recommending back then, I've been off of reishi for a very long time now so I'm not sure.

I'll try looking into your old posts to see if you had the exact one you were using haha   Tongue

Quote:watch out for boob greed, it can be addictive LOL

I'll keep it in mind. For now I think I still want to keep it a bit hidden, so A cup is the limit, but as you said, goals can always change hahah! 

For now I'll stick with one capsule a day then, and only increase if I feel it's not doing enough. I'll try to keep everybody updated on my progress and dosing when I get started.   Blush Blush Thanks for everybody's help!

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