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(31-12-2013, 09:15 PM)jacp114 Wrote:  Also in my research I've found there is a huge link between insulin, IGF, estrogen and breast growth/feminization. I'm not exactly sure, but just watching the womens forum, this forum and the research papers I read, it seems like there is something missing with just maxing out the estrogens.
Yup!, this is mostly about herbals, going to the next level and we'd be on a different forum right?

(31-12-2013, 09:15 PM)jacp114 Wrote:  I think the link between growth hormone, insulin and estrogens is most highlighted in macromastia cases. This shows up though with the use of Bovine ovaries, which is why I think it worked so well for Cheryll.
I don't think we've seen any cases of macromastia here. In fact why would the be here?,lol

But seriously, thank you for your research, how long have you been doing NBE?

(31-12-2013, 10:25 PM)Lotus Wrote:  Yup!, this is mostly about herbals, going to the next level and we'd be on a different forum right?
True... and I haven't seen a forum out there on that yet.

(31-12-2013, 10:25 PM)Lotus Wrote:  I don't think we've seen any cases of macromastia here. In fact why would the be here?,lol

But seriously, thank you for your research, how long have you been doing NBE?

I haven't been doing NBE, but my wife is and has gone up a cup (B to C) in 5 months. She also was fighting off hair loss, so I've done a lot of research into that, tried herbs and chems.
Ironically a lot of the hair growth/anti-hairloss stuff out there is anti-androgenic, and terrible for men. But great if you want to feminize, grow boobs, or keep your head of hair.

I do find myself fascinated sometimes by the guys growing breasts in here and wanted to throw in my ideas to help all of you out. In general I love breasts and big thumbs up to everyone that wants to grow them.

I'm big into hormone research, an herbalist, and take herbs for health and well being, and have side project every now and then.

On macromastia, you haven't seen any cases here yet. On some of the gyno forums though there are a few that could be close...
The point isn't the cases of macromastia, but that there is a hormonal action going on in the women that cause extreme breast enlargement. If you can mimic that hormonal atmosphere in your body, you could have the same growth. If not, figure out what is going on... rinse and repeat till you find what it is that causes breast growth.

Best of luck to you all.

Lotus, thanks for your reply. My iron level (ferritin) is fine since some years. I am shedding hair mostly in the front area of my head and on the sides. I also have acne prone skin, so this all might be because of too much DHT. I checked my testosterone level in the past and it was fine, but never checked DHT.

So not sure if I should try saw palmetto, or maybe black cohosh (this is what I have @home). Heard black cohosh can help with hair fall too.

Ironically prior to your post I was thinking of body builders,

Not just for the fact of the countless benefits but for the science behind it. Think of it, their doing everything from promoting there amino-acids to maximizing their metabolism.

So for me it's all about maximizing the benefits of NBE, researching is the key, I'll read till my eyes bleed,lol.

That's great about your wife, what's been her success?

Your contributions are welcomed, pursuing NBE isn't a prerequisite, being an herbalist is beneficial too, since most of us (me) are part-time amateur practitioners.  Smile

Next on my list was Nettle Root, i can't be sure if it's an androgen or anti-androgen yet, on my Health/Diet post I talk about it here post #46

What are your thoughts about NR?


Over time, DHT tends to shorten the growing phase of your hair’s cycle, which allows the cycle’s resting phase to grow longer, according to David H. Kingsley, Ph.D., author of “The Hair-Loss Cure.” The hormone also gradually reduces the size of the affected follicles, which causes those hairs to become shorter and much finer in texture. As this process continues and accelerates, so does your loss of hair.

A team of German researchers found that caffeine blocks the damaging effects of DHT on hair follicles and stimulates the growth of new hair. Researchers published their findings in the January 2007 issue of the “International Journal of Dermatology.” Researchers based their findings on an in vitro study of caffeine’s effect on hair follicle proliferation. However, drinking more coffee, tea and cola is probably not going to do much to save your hair, according to a Mail Online article by Pat Hagan. The author points that you'll need topical applications of a caffeine-rich lotion or cream to block the damaging effects of DHT and stimulate hair growth.
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The full article

Reports that too much exercise and excessive sex increases DHT, just ask weightlifters,....about the exercise part,lol

Then I find this-
Quote:higher levels of DHT do not cause balding. Genetic predisposition to going bald in the presence of DHT causes it. Now if you have higher than normal DHT then yes it will speed things up. But if that gene is there, you are going to go bald no matter what.

I've even read an article that said woman who constantly have their hair pulled back can cause hair loss. Again this statement is promising though:
Quote: drinking more coffee, tea and cola is probably not going to do much to save your hair, according to a Mail Online article by Pat Hagan. The author points that you'll need topical applications of a caffeine-rich lotion or cream to block the damaging effects of DHT and stimulate hair growth.


DHT is certainly a factor in both hair loss on the head and excessive hair growth elsewhere on the body. Based on the studies on spearmint, it would seem that spearmint would be beneficial. in helping control DHT. Acne is also caused by hormones, and controlling DHT my be beneficial for that as well. Something I haven't seen mentioned so far is the vitamin biotin which is commonly available over the counter at most places that sell supplements. Biotin was prescribed to my mother for hair loss and thinning by one of her doctors, but I'm not sure the dose was high enough or that it helped much.

Good one Monika,

(01-01-2014, 01:02 AM)MonikaT Wrote:  Biotin was prescribed to my mother for hair loss and thinning by one of her doctors, but I'm not sure the dose was high enough or that it helped much.

Did you know a cause of biotin deficiency may result from anti-convulsant therapy, prolonged oral antibiotic therapy and eating raw egg whites?, I didn't.....currently on  anti-convulsant therapy. Dodgy

My doctor (who again is as old as dirt) suggested that I take Devils Claw for my arthritis, I had a hard time taking it due to some GI issues. When I saw him again I reminded him that he suggested it, his response... (he was aloof, then said "i said that?, i said yeah you did)...  Dodgy Sad Big Grin

Nowadays I question most of what my doc tells me,  Rolleyes sorry I was just reminded of that when you mentioned your mothers doctor for some reason.

Thank you Jennifer and breast101 for your beautiful comments  Smile

Thanks Monika and Lotus. I am taking Biotin 5mg already. Will eventually buy caffeine extract and mix it in my hair water.

Can I borrow them lol
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