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Peggy, something else to consider about hair loss,

Having hypothyroidism, I find that I haven't really paid enough attention about the medication, side effects and interactions. But interestingly Hashimoto's thyroiditis very often results in hypothyroidism with bouts of hyperthyroidism.

Hashimoto's-an average of 1 to 1.5 in 1000 people have this disease,It occurs between eight and fifteen times more often in women than in men.

Quote:Signs and symptoms
Hashimoto's thyroiditis very often results in hypothyroidism with bouts of hyperthyroidism. Symptoms of Hashimoto's thyroiditis include weight gain, depression, mania, sensitivity to heat and cold, paresthesia, chronic fatigue, panic, bradycardia, tachycardia, congestive heart failure, high cholesterol, reactive hypoglycemia, constipation, migraines, muscle weakness, joint stiffness, menorrhagia, myxedematous psychosis, cramps, memory loss, vision problems, infertility and hair loss.[citation needed]

Selenium as a treatment
Although the current clinical practice guidelines for hypothyroidism in adults do not indicate Selenium supplementation[14], a 1-year study of 46 patients found supplementing 80μg per day of Selenium slowed several markers of disease progression.[15]. Another study comparing 100μg and 200μg doses of Selenium combined with levothyroxine in 88 female patients over 9 months found that 200μg was more effective.[16]. A 2013 systemic review found there is still not enough evidence to definitively support or refute the efficacy of Selenium for Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and urges more clinical trials are needed before efficacy can be proven.[17]
As a dietary supplement, the FDA recommends at least 55μg per day of Selenium for adults with a Tolerable Upper Intake Level of 400μg.[18]

-There are also foods and other substances that can interfere with absorption of thyroxine replacement. People should avoid taking calcium and iron supplements within 4 hours,[13] as well as soy products within 3 hours of the medication, as these can reduce absorption of the drug.Grapefruit juice may delay the absorption of levothyroxine, but based on a study of 10 healthy people aged 20–30 (8 men, 2 women) it may not have a significant effect on bioavailability in young adults.[14] Other substances that reduce absorption are aluminium and magnesium containing antacids, simethicone or sucralfate, cholestyramine, colestipol, Kayexalate. A study of eight women suggested that coffee may interfere with the intestinal absorption of levothyroxine, though at a level less than eating bran.[15] Different substances cause other adverse effects that may be severe. Ketamine may cause hypertension and tachycardia and tricyclic and tetracyclic antidepressants increase its toxicity. On the other hand lithium can cause hyperthyroidism (but most often hypothyroidism) by affecting iodine metabolism of the thyroid itself and thus inhibits synthetic levothyroxine as well.'s_thyroiditis

Surprisingly taking the thyroid medication prescribed causes hair loss as well, although doctors will tell you it's temporary, that's not always the case-
Quote:I suspect that the issue is related to Levothyroxine, however have been dismissed by my Dr who said it will settle down, however it just seems to be getting worse To make me feel worse, I can't even see any signs of regrowth yet either
Quote:I too have increased hair loss since starting the brand version of levothyroxine (synthroid) early this year. What concerns me in your case is that you had no hair loss before. Are you sure? Sometimes bang area hair loss is hard to detect if it is gradual because the hair is finer there and goes down the drain easily or is less noticeable on the brush.

Like I said, just something to consider Smile there will always be pros and cons when it comes to side effects and interactions!

Lotus, I have Hashimoto's and since I started taking medication for my thyroid the hair loss got better. That's the reason why I am worried that it suddenly got worser again some weeks ago.

Program alert:Wink This is more about resuming the program on 1/1/14 and a fresh start to the new year as opposed to anything else. (I will transfer when our program section is created), Fingers Crossed! Smile

Program:NBE start date 10/15/2012
Program:NBE break date 11/22/2013
Program:NBE resume date-1/1/2014

Lotus-The meaning of the lotus flower represents long life, health, honor, good luck, and rebirth, (this is my rebirth)

Started with FG,RC,PC,SP standard amounts
Ended that program 5/21/2013
PM start date 5/22/2013
Starting dose 1000mg, increased to 3000mg after 30 days.
Massage pg.1 post #6
And Pg.7 post #79 My (.)(.) Plan

PM-500-1000 mg total am-pm -(the variance depends on how I feel, need it/or not)
FG -1800 mg total am-pm
Spearmint tea 1-2 bags throughout the day
Hops-310 mg mid-day
B 6 - 100 mg daily
L-Arginine -1000 mg 1-2x daily
Multivitamin 1x daily

Isometric chest exercise

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4909]

I've been doing my own version of an Isometric chest contraction, but for the purpose of demonstration, follow the first part of the video. This can be done anytime, standing or sitting, that's what is so perfect about it, no weights or mats.

Also been working this Breast massage/exercise:
* With your hand grab your breast from your side, pull it towards the center of your chest, now hold and flex for 2-3 seconds or longer if you can, repeat up to 10 times!
* Try it with your palms pushing your breasts towards the center, as if your trying to touch your nipples together, now interlock your fingers together, using your hands squeeze like a cupping motion, also flex your pec's (tighten) at the same or alternate hand/pecs....up to 10 times.


Considering adding one of the following, NR-Nettle Root, Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum)
White Peony (Paeonia lactiflora), Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus), DIM-Diindolylmethane

The program goal hasn't changed-grow some boobs and continue with some feminization.


I hope you're breast wishes come true!!


Happy big breast year Smile

I've been told I'm probably one of those (un)lucky males who has Hashimoto's, but the doctor's have never bothered to do the necessary tests to confirm it. I refuse to take synthetic levothyroxine and insist on natural thyroid such as Armour, Westhroid, or Naturethroid. All of them are derived from dessicated pig thyroid, though there are beef version also out there. My biggest issue is the doctors are all over the place when it comes to ordering blood work and interpreting it properly. I keep trying to follow what is posted at but my doctors keep telling me I'm wrong. All I know is my body temp can drop as low as 95.8 to 96.2, and I awake shivering in the middle of the night, my fingernails break and flake off easily, I'm depressed, and right now, I sometimes choke on water. My thyroid appears to enlarge from time to time, making it hard to swallow food at times. I'm tired and lethargic and need about 800 mg - 1000 mg of caffeine (8-10 cups of coffee) throughout the day to function, but health recommendations are to stay below 400 mg.

I generally do not trust any doctor I've been to. They all focus on all of my symptoms, each of which is a treatable/manageable condition, rather than admitting that maybe there is a bigger underlying condition such as low testosterone at play. I have every symptom of low T except my total T is above 300 (it's 385). I try to tell them they again have it wrong because total T is unreliable when a person is diabetic and has a thyroid disorder, and they dismiss me despite my quoting from guidelines given by the endocrine society, Johns Hopkins, and the Mayo Clinic. My free T is all that matters, and it is below the bottom end of the reference range, but my doctor ignores me. I have to live in this body, and I know when something is wrong. I don't care what the blood work says. I have the T level of an 85-yr-old male, and I'm about to turn 50.

The upper dose I've seen on biotin is 16 mg. I take 15 mg. per day partly because it is also supposed to be good for carbohydrate metabolism. Having had male pattern baldness since I was 15, I don't think anything can help my hair loss. Other than about a dozen hairs, I'm totally bald on top, and I have enough body hair to give Chewbacca a run for his money.

Happy New pair!!!!

(02-01-2014, 12:41 AM)Lotus Wrote:  Considering adding one of the following, NR-Nettle Root, Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum)
White Peony (Paeonia lactiflora), Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus), DIM-Diindolylmethane

IMO the DIM did little for NBE and might have been counter-productive... I tried it for a month (1 per day) and really felt like I stalled; I lost some of the sensitivity and feeling of budding. Once I stopped the DIM, things bounced back quickly.
If it does work for NBE/feminization, I either did not take it long enough, or I added it to my program at the wrong time.


(31-12-2013, 11:37 PM)Lotus Wrote:  Ironically prior to your post I was thinking of body builders,

Not just for the fact of the countless benefits but for the science behind it. Think of it, their doing everything from promoting there amino-acids to maximizing there metabolism.

So for me it's all about maximizing the benefits of NBE, researching is the key, I'll read till my eyes bleed,lol.

That's great about your wife, what's been her success?

Your contributions are welcomed, pursuing NBE isn't a prerequisite, being an herbalist is beneficial too, since most of us (me) are part-time amateur practitioners,lol

Next on my list was Nettle Root, i can't be sure if it's an androgen or anti-androgen yet, on my Health/Diet post I talk about it here post #46

What are your thoughts about NR?

Totally... I enjoy the research of it, for understanding. And I'm into body modding in general. Very interesting to me.

My wife's success has been a cup size, but women's bodies and the hormone cycles involved can be... really difficult. It's not the same as just maxing out estrogen like it seems to be in men.

I think nettle root is more a potentiator, as in it creates more potential for your body to use the hormones. It binds to shbg, which your body produces to decrease hormones.

It also decreases aromatase(bad for boob growing) and decreases 5ar(good for boob growing).

So in taking nettle root you'll increase your overall hormone level.

Takeing it with an pro-aromatase herb (peony root, or liquorice tea), and paba or grapefruit extract to slow the breakdown of the extra hormones you'll have circulating and it should help you out.

Why we need to care about aromatase!..... I would love to hear anybody's thoughts on this!

Quote:There's an enzyme in the bodies of both men and women called aromatase. Its primary action is to produce female sex hormones, or estrogens. It produces them from male sex hormones (androgens) such as testosterone and their precursors.
In the diagram below, the molecule on the left is the male hormone testosterone. The molecule on the right is the female hormone estradiol, an estrogen. The arrow in the middle represents the action of the enzyme complex aromatase.

Aromatase also converts androstenedione (a sex hormone precursor) to the female hormone estrone, another estrogen, although weaker than estradiol.
If you increase the activity of aromatase, you can increase levels of female sex hormones (estradiol, estrone).

If you decrease the activity of aromatase, you can decrease levels of female sex hormones, while increasing relative levels of male sex hormones, e.g. testosterone.
There are many things to say about aromatase. I'm presenting just a few here.

Men's bodies normally contain some level of estrogens, in addition to testosterone and their kind. Likewise, women's bodies contain some level of male androgens including testosterone. The ratio of male-to-female hormones contributes to our maleness or femaleness. Aromatase is one chemical that can tweak that ratio. It operates the same in both men and women, although an array of compounds can affect its activity.

Quote:Who Cares About Aromatase?
Bodybuilders have been capitalizing on the action of this enzyme for years. They know that aromatase inhibitors will lead to effects of increased testosterone such as a greater percentage of lean body mass, less body fat, improved bone mineral density, etc.

Some women with cancers of the breast (or ovaries, or uterus) benefit from treatment with aromatase inhibitors. Since some breast tumors (and other reproductive tissue tumors) are dependant upon estrogen for their growth, aromatase inhibitors can be employed to reduce estrogen production, improving patient outcome.

Women who experience problems associated with excess estrogen and/or low progesterone, such as those listed below, also benefit from decreasing the activity of aromatase:
Fibrocystic breast disease
Uterine fibroids
Ovarian cysts
Heavy menstrual bleeding

Aromatase inhibitors are used as a fertility treatment for women who are having difficulty getting pregnant. They can stimulate ovulation.

The fall in estrogen output from the ovaries of women as they enter menopause can be partially compensated for by aromatase's production of estrogens which occur in liver, fat and muscle cells. (This is one reason why obese menopausal women can have higher levels of estrogens than their thinner counterparts. Unfortunately, although the extra aromatase-containing fat cells may be helpful in reducing menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, they can increase the risk for estrogen-dependant cancers.)

Men as they age experience a steady decline of male sex hormones, including testosterone. They also experience a relatively higher level of female sex hormones. These lower androgen/higher estrogen levels have been implicated in symptoms some men experience in middle age, including:
Decreased libido
Flushing and night sweats
Impaired memory and difficulty concentrating
Decreased muscle mass
Increased fat mass

This lower testosterone/estrogen ratio also seems to be linked to problems with male fertility and sperm count, enlarged prostate, and prostate cancer.

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