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Project X (hrt)

Sorry to bombard you all, Smile

Wouldn't seem that we need to talk about this in depth as it correlates with our NBE?

If we eliminate some of the obvious roadblocks that stand in our way as I've mentioned in the series of threads I've posted, than one by one the dominoes start to fall!. Big Grin

Not trying to be presumptive, if we can take what the Body Builders do to Inhibit aromatase, than what's to say???....Why can't we use PM, BO, or something that can we can convert our free testosterone, (not talking about anti-androgens).

Program alert:Wink

Program:NBE start date 10/15/2012
Program:NBE break date 11/22/2013
Program:NBE resume date-1/1/2014

Lotus-The meaning of the lotus flower represents long life, health, honor, good luck, and rebirth, (this is my rebirth)

Started with FG,RC,PC,SP standard amounts
Ended that program 5/21/2013
PM start date 5/22/2013
Starting dose 1000mg, increased to 3000mg after 30 days.
Massage pg.1 post #6
And Pg.7 post #79 My (.)(.) Plan

PM-500-1000 mg total am-pm -(the variance depends on how I feel, need it/or not)
FG -1800 mg total am-pm
Spearmint tea 1-2 bags throughout the day
Hops-310 mg mid-day
B 6 - 100 mg daily
L-Arginine -1000 mg 1-2x daily
Multivitamin 1x daily

Isometric chest exercise

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4909]

I've been doing my own version of an Isometric chest contraction, but for the purpose of demonstration, follow the first part of the video. This can be done anytime, standing or sitting, that's what is so perfect about it, no weights or mats.

Also been working this Breast massage/exercise:
* With your hand grab your breast from your side, pull it towards the center of your chest, now hold and flex for 2-3 seconds or longer if you can, repeat up to 10 times!
* Try it with your palms pushing your breasts towards the center, as if your trying to touch your nipples together, now interlock your fingers together, using your hands squeeze like a cupping motion, also flex your pec's (tighten) at the same or alternate hand/pecs....up to 10 times.


Considering adding one of the following, NR-Nettle Root, Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum)
White Peony (Paeonia lactiflora), Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus), DIM-Diindolylmethane

The program goal hasn't changed-grow some boobs and continue with some feminization.

Thank you Eve,

Simply awesome, magnificent work!

Big Grin

I'm not suggesting this:

Quote: Aromatase overexpression and breast hyperplasia, an in vivo model--continued overexpression of aromatase is sufficient to maintain hyperplasia without circulating estrogens, and aromatase inhibitors abrogate these preneoplastic changes in mammary glands.

Or this

This is more of what I'm suggesting, just get passed the gyno :

Lotus, that blossom is such an appropriate avatar for you. Good choice.

Thanks for all the technical information. You've got my head spinning, but I'm learning a few things, too.

Right now, I'm accomplishing everything I need with just PM, but it's becoming apparent that the endocrine system is very complex. Understanding its mechanisms exposes interesting ways to supplement breast growth.

Thanks for your research.

Your hard work is opening a new chapter of learning . Very informative and thoughtful . Thanks Big Grin

Thanks ClaraKay, myboobs,

Before everyone thinks that Lotus has lost it I can assure you I'm not on crack, crank, or even Molly!!! Big Grin

hi lotus. thanks for the massage tips Smile
can I ask
A: what is RC?
B: why the vitex?
thank you Smile

Thank you lotus for all the data and links.

I have become increasingly aware that endocrinology is a horrendously complex field, about which I know far too little and in which multiple interactions produce unexpected and non-instinctive results. Some people seem to be able to see ways through the maze, but I am not one of them. I try my best to find what works for or on me and other people, and try to pass on what possibly useful information or observations I find along the way, but you seem to be producing treasure trove? The query because I suspect that I will end up even more bewildered. Huh

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