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Project X (hrt)

(04-01-2014, 05:41 AM)Lotus Wrote:  Good questions,

For the eye surgery it was a numbing agent, but for the colonoscopy it was lights out Big Grin, the Anesthesiologist was so cool, asked me where I'd like to go on vacation and before if could answer I was out. Cool

That herbs caused the problems??, I wish I could tell ya, but they all did start after about 6-7 months after starting NBE, so go figure!

that's my second biggest fear! general anaesthetic lol

I just flicked through your profile after the herbs comment and OH MY!!!!! came across your pics! Those are some fantastic boobies!!! *bowsdowntoyou* :p

Oh thanks ELLA,

I've also been looking more into essential amino acids, in particular Tyrosine, Ornithine, I'm already taking Arginine.

Thanks il check those out . I have tyro/argi and am over 30!

I would like to encourage people to start posting your programs here!, we can learn and share whats been working or not, truly, I think this section will prove to be one of the most beneficial in terms of NBE.

Started summer last year with FG = nothing . Than added SP and sow minute growth. Last oct/nove started FG. + FN +SP and saw some growth pic posted on profile .mid dec changed to FG+FN+SP+RC+hops++maca+algerine..
Present dose FG= 1 heaped teaspoon twice a day
FN+SP+hops - tincture 4 table spoon thrice daily
Maca 500 mg +2000 mg algerine thrice daily.
Changing maca=1000 mg + algerine 1000 mg thrice dailt from today.
Massage isometric variation excesise twice daily
LAST GROWTH pic posted about 2 week ago




Hi Lotus.
Question for you.
With soy or other plant based protein powders they have a really high amino content. So given we were/are talking about looking into arginine tyrosine etc and boosters for growth hormone whats you're thoughts on this.
If you take the isolated aminos ie arginine and tyrosine on their own the isolated ones seem to have a much lower amino content, ie my ones is 320mg per serving of each as a suggested dosage.
Where as if you/I were to have a protein shake a serving size contains as much as 1-2 grams of each amino BUT along with all the other amino acids, essential and non essential..
So ... are you better and have more powerful effects by taking the isolated aminos on their own (in a lower dosage) or taking the protein powder at night with a much higher dosage but all the others included ??... I mention at night as that's when I guess the most growth hormone is at work.
Sorry to turn this into such a long post but what do you think?

Oh don't worry about long posts, that's my thing!,lol

Taking supplements at night does have its advantages when you think about whats it's doing while your sleep. Understanding that our body is repairing/recovering itself seems pretty cool, Simply put, it's like going to the all night repair shop,lol.

If your talking about the powder formulas, the process to stimulate muscle protein synthesis begans immediately after your workout. It makes sense for daily consumption am/pm, it's pretty hard to go to sleep after a workout considering all the adrenaline going on,lol

(05-01-2014, 06:12 PM)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  So ... are you better and have more powerful effects by taking the isolated aminos on their own (in a lower dosage) or taking the protein powder at night with a much higher dosage but all the others included
Estimating the daily requirement for the indispensable amino acids has proven to be difficult; these numbers have undergone considerable revision over the last 20 years. (Check out the chart of recommended daily amounts)

Taking sublingually at night works with your GH-growth hormone, I take (Arginine 2000mg total) am/pm. The secretion of growth hormone (GH) in the pituitary is regulated by the neurosecretory nuclei of the hypothalamus.

Quote:Essential amino acids are "essential" not because they are more important for protein synthesis or general homeostasis than the others, but because the body does not synthesize them.
The distinction between essential and non-essential amino acids is somewhat unclear, as some amino acids can be produced from others. The sulfur-containing amino acids, methionine and homocysteine, can be converted into each other but neither can be synthesized de novo in humans. Likewise, cysteine can be made from homocysteine but cannot be synthesized on its own. So, for convenience, sulfur-containing amino acids are sometimes considered a single pool of nutritionally equivalent amino acids as are the aromatic amino acid pair, phenylalanine and tyrosine. Likewise arginine, ornithine, and citrulline, which are interconvertible by the urea cycle, are considered a single group.

Myself, I'm lazy, so give me the frikken pill,lol......but we haven't even mentioned Brached Chained Amnio Acids, so I'll shut up for now, lol
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