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(11-12-2024, 01:16 PM)MEIK-E Wrote:  Hello Lotus...
It is a pleasure do be a part of your great science of feminisation, ecpecially the TCP.

Thank you so much Kiss

Hi MEIK-E, it's a pleasure to speak with you, Wink and on that note I take great pleasure in finding things that help our cause... aka: BOOB GROWTHBig Grin Hug Celebrate


Looking great in both pictures!  Looking stacked! Praying for your next lab results to improve.

I want to make clear I don't have an issue with Karen or Teddy, their good people. I do have issue with interpretation on extracts, thus the point of this post.

(03-12-2024, 03:12 PM)Karen Hart Wrote:  Teddy is right. Do not buy any EXTRACTS, like 4:1, etc.
In Teddy's posted research about Pueraria Mirifica extracts, he used a study about how “Puerarin” was used to evaluate the poor extraction using water. Puerarin isn't Pueraria Mirifica… which the latter is used here for breast growth.

Puerarin: a potential natural neuroprotective agent for neurological disorders

(03-12-2024, 07:38 AM)Teddy Wrote:  I am bit skeptical about P.M. extracts because in many cases they don't work very well or not at all. The reason is likely that the extraction process doesn't capture some of the phytoestrogens such as puerarin aren't well soluble to usual extracting solvents.

Teddy also said this:

(29-01-2023, 02:58 PM)Teddy Wrote:  Regarding extracts, one has also noted that extraction methods, such as solvent used, make a big difference.

(11-01-2024, 09:59 PM)Teddy Wrote:  However, the extraction method and solvent have a great impact what is extracted and what is left behind. Therefore, in general, extract may lack some of the useful stuff, either because they are soluble to the solvent used (often either water or alcohol), or the method might use such a high temperature that some of substances are changed/destroyed.

In the other hand, in some cases the extract is utilized/absorbed either better or, sometimes, less well than the raw material.

That makes it very difficult to judge the real effective extraction ratio, and also to compare different suppliers' products. It is a bit frustrating situation. I am myself therefore using RR and PM in natural powder format, mixing it in a suitable smoothie-type drink.

The above posts are repeated in other threads. Key point, the water extraction process yielding statement and corresponding science didn't pertain to “Pueraria Mirifica”... it pertains to “Puerarin”. 

Puerarin, an isoflavone, is a chemotaxonomic maker of the genus Pueraria. Many of the bioactivities of the genus Pueraria is attributed to isoflavone glycosides, mainly puerarin. Among the sterols, Miroestrol is widely investigated for its biological activities.

We can't discount using extracts and their potential based on misinterpreted science. It gives the idea that extracts are bad and not to be used, which is completely untrue. 

Now, I'm going to post some science literature articles and information I put together. This study below exhibited higher antioxidant activities and cells exposed to magnetized water yielded a 43% biomass. So using water (albeit magnetized) isn't a bad thing.

Magnetized water: A way to enhance isoflavonoids in cultured Pueraria candollei var. mirifica cells
Magnetic fields can alter plant growth and development. In this study, the effect of magnetized water on the growth and secondary metabolite production of Pueraria candollei var. mirifica (PM) suspension cells were evaluated. Magnetized water was generated by passing water through a magnetic field (400 mT) at a 6 L/min flow rate. The suspension cells exposed to magnetized water for 10 (M2, 1.37 g) and 5 min (M1, 1.23 g) showed 21% and 9% higher biomass accumulation, respectively, compared with the control cells after 5 days. Compared with that in the control cells, the biomass was increased by approximately 43% when the cells were exposed to M2 (3.01 g) after 28 days. In addition, the use of magnetized water altered the accumulation pattern of isoflavonoids after 5 days of treatment. Isoflavonoid accumulation was the highest after treatment with M2 for 5 days and yielded 4.20 mg/g dry weight (DW) daidzein, 0.58 mg/g DW genistein, and 3.98 mg/g DW kwakhurin. When the cells were maintained in the treatment for a relatively long duration (28 days), a short span of magnetization (M1) resulted in the highest accumulation of isoflavonoids with the amounts of 3.51, 0.55, and 2.58 mg/g DW for daidzein, genistein, and kwakhurin, respectively. After 28 days of exposure to magnetized water, the expression of 2-hydroxyisoflavanone synthase and 2-hydroxyisoflavanone dehydratase increased, and this phenomenon coincided with the increased amount of isoflavonoids in the suspension cells. The magnetized water-treated PM cells also exhibited higher antioxidant activities than the control cells. The lowest half-maximal inhibitory concentration (37.93 mg/mL) was observed in the cells treated with magnetized water after 15 min (M3). The enhanced total antioxidant activity of the cells treated with M3 may be attributed to the presence of other compounds in addition to isoflavonoids. This study represents an innovative attempt at a low-cost and environmentally friendly approach that can enhance the growth, secondary metabolite production, and antioxidant activity of PM suspension cells.

(09-03-2014, 11:02 PM)Lotus Wrote:  
General averages of rates/ratios when consuming herbs

Q-How long does a capsule take to dissolve?

A-Typically the average is up to 20 minutes, some sources have at 5-10 minutes while others say 20-30 minutes. Extracts 1 to 4 minutes

Q-What are typical absorption results?

A-For skin application- 60%

A-Liquid- 98% 

A-capsule- 10-20%

Q-What is the capsule to extract ratio?

A-20 to 1, meaning it would take 20 capsules to = 1 teaspoon of extract

Q-When is the best time to take an herb?

A-In general herbs are best taken on an empty stomach


When to supplement

Hormones are released every 90 minutes, the binding of receptors takes 30-45 minutes upon activation. The process of supplementing should match that cycle (e.g. supplement every 4 hrs to correspond with the cycle rather than taking all at once, or in large doses). 

Isoflavonoids and Phytoestrogens from Pueraria candollei var. mirifica Related with Appropriate Ratios of Ethanol Extraction
Pueraria candollei var. Mirifica collected from Thailand and Vietnam were extracted with ethanol (50, 75 and 95 % v/v). 95 % of ethanolic extract (S095) contained higher quantities of isoflavonoids and phytoestrogens than other ethanolic extracts. The amount of individual isoflavonoids (mg/g extract) were puerarin (5.012), daidzin (2.278), daidzein (1.886), genistin (0.620) and genistein (0.437) which were analyzed by HPLC. The phytoestrogens (mg/g extract) tested by indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay were miroestrol (1.581) and deoxymiroestrol (0.397). In conclusion, 95 % ethanol revealed the highest potential extraction of isoflavonoids and phytoestrogens for use as active ingredients in the development of obstetric creams for postmenopausal women.

Miroestrol was estimated to have 0.25 times the estrogenic activity of 17β-estradiol using a vaginal cornification assay [13], whereas the growth-promoting effect of deoxymiroestrol on MCF-7 human breast cancer cells was approximately 10-fold more potent than that of miroestrol [9].

Puerarin, an isoflavone, is a chemotaxonomic maker of the genus Pueraria. Many of the bioactivities of the genus Pueraria is attributed to isoflavone glycosides, mainly puerarin. Among the sterols, Miroestrol is widely investigated for its biological activities.

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) cause apoptosis of vascular endothelial cells and it is one of the causes for the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases. Gao et. al.[6] reported the protective and therapeutic effect of ethanol extract of P. lobata root on human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). The roots were extracted with 70 % ethanol and purified over AB-8 resin column to prepare the isoflavone enriched extract. 

When searching for PM extracts (in capsule or liquid) to purchase you'll want to confirm it was made in a GMP (good manufacturing process) FACILITY, non GMO (genetic modified organism), a USP (United States Pharmacopeia) label, and clearly identified ratio with no fillers. Plus, the stated ratio of miroestrol & deoxymiroestrol (the main bioactives in PM).

Transcriptome analysis of Pueraria candollei var. mirifica for gene discovery in the biosyntheses of isoflavones and miroestrol

United States Pharmacopeia (USP)

Methods for extraction:
A review of modern and conventional extraction techniques and their applications for extracting phytochemicals from plants

New Pueraria Mirifica scientific research 

Transcriptome analysis of Pueraria candollei var. mirifica for gene discovery in the biosyntheses of isoflavones and miroestrol

A metabolomics approach to evaluate the effect of lyophilization versus oven drying on the chemical composition of plant extracts
Lyophilization is the “gold standard” for drying plant extracts, which is important in preserving their quality and extending their shelf-life.

Transcriptome analysis of Pueraria candollei var. mirifica for gene discovery in the biosyntheses of isoflavones and miroestrol

Enhanced accumulation of high-value deoxymiroestrol and isoflavonoids using hairy root as a sustainable source of Pueraria candollei var. mirifica

More to follow, so check back later.  Hug

(13-12-2024, 05:05 AM)Eloise Wrote:  Lotus,

Looking great in both pictures!  Looking stacked! Praying for your next lab results to improve.

Hi Eloise,  Heart it's good to hear from you. Thanks for being kind.  Hug I've been meaning to pop up in your thread, see you soon.  Celebrate

WOW and she's still got it.
You are absolutely amazing Lotus!!!
I've been here for many years and you never stop with amazingly detailed FACT based help for all of us. You must be fully in tune with the LI (lotus intelligence) which is vastly superior to AI!.
So at this time of year I get misty at all the fantastic people that help others just for the fun and satisfaction it gives.
So I thank you for being the wonderful person you are!
I pray 2025 will improve your health and, selfishly, we can continue to enjoy the world of Lotus.
Merry Christmas and I love you from the bottom of my heart. Hug

I'm literally exhausted after a 1,200 mile drive over the last several days, so this rant is not directed at anyone in particular. Please excuse me for being so damn tired right now.

This is a blanket pet peeve of mine for soooo many here over the last many years that totally & completely ignore Lotus' research posts.

Lotus has put in tens of thousands of hours of research over the last decade and shared hard science with members of this website with hard evidence of what works for NBG.

What a slap in the face it must be countless times over the years when some random newbie here asks for help and others on so many occasions start quoting things off the cuff that may be given in good faith but in all honesty are totally disrespectful to Lotus.

She has literally devoted ten years of medical research and given to us for free. Show some damn respect.

(15-12-2024, 03:41 PM)Happyme Wrote:  WOW and she's still got it.
You are absolutely amazing Lotus!!!
I've been here for many years and you never stop with amazingly detailed FACT based help for all of us. You must be fully in tune with the LI (lotus intelligence) which is vastly superior to AI!.
So at this time of year I get misty at all the fantastic people that help others just for the fun and satisfaction it gives.
So I thank you for being the wonderful person you are!
I pray 2025 will improve your health and, selfishly, we can continue to enjoy the world of Lotus.
Merry Christmas and I love you from the bottom of my heart. Hug

Hi Bobbi, you're so sweet. Hug thank you for always supplying hope and love at Nexus and Nexum, which you've done for years, too. I hope you're holidays are filled with misty moments for lasting memories. One day soon I'll do for you for what you've done for me in the past which cheers me up in those times of need. Much love and respect back to you my friend.   Celebrate Heart

(16-12-2024, 04:25 AM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  Lotus has put in tens of thousands of hours of research over the last decade and shared hard science with members of this website with hard evidence of what works for NBG. 

She has literally devoted ten years of medical research and given to us for free. Show some damn respect.

Hi Stevenator, thank you for caring to post the above, i do appreciate it. Hug You got me thinking about it and i wanted to share some thoughts.

I have repeated (on a number of occasions) what I share at Nexus and Nexum comes largely from my own experiences, both from NBE and HRT. I attach pictures of my breast growth along the way to validate my experience based on science literature I review and put into practice. As an example, the post I made concerning extracts (and other information) took about 10 hours of research, and about 30 open research sites to do my own “meta analysis” (that's not a facebook thing my friends).  Big Grin
Study Design 101: Meta-Analysis

In my earlier years here when it was “Breastnexus” I was much faster on reading science literature on you name it when it comes to breast growth science… which was (and still is) a newer term for those looking for help and information imho.

I still use the “Meta Analysis” approach but it takes longer due to health issues. I think I once described my process as seeing the science literature in my mind like a futuristic AI, I kid you not. I could then recall specific science articles and formulate the science into what I thought correlated to breast science. I made many connections (or discoveries) along the way... (maybe more on that later, because the rate of new ideas I posted was almost daily for a long time).  Wink

I think I've helped others to discover breast research and the love I have for it. I would like to see those individuals who give advice (to others) have a basis of lived experience showing their own breast growth. How can advice be given if you've not walked the walk? I'm skeptical when I don't see this basic requirement showing/sharing their breast growth and then giving advice?. And I don't mean just here, include Reddit or others like it as I see my ideas posted as if the poster created it. True, I've not asked for money because what I do comes from the heart.  Heart I've been offered and I kindly refuse. 

I'll talk more about how the word “Natural” in breast growth denotes negative (sometimes vitriolic reactions by some) later as the hour is late for me. For now, I can't think of anything more natural in growing breasts and not identifying the word Bioidentical… meaning, identical to that which is naturally produced by the body.

Merry Christmas to you Lotus,
I hope it will be a healthier new year for you.
I got a Special present from you,
Continued Breast Grow and overall feminisation.

Thank you for that... Heart

I want to second MEIK-E's sentiment, happy and healthy Christmas and 2025 to Lotus, you're a force of nature, and THE most crucial piece in putting the NBE puzzle together, your hard work has enabled my transition. Greatest thanks for all the effort you've put in it over the years. Its a gift that keeps on giving, right now giving on amazing pace which might shake previous records! Hug Celebrate Heart That's a Christmas present that knows no price.

I wish you best of luck and better health for next year.
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