(15-02-2025, 09:21 PM)Lotus Wrote: You should stop spamming “It hasn't been edited for over 10 years” on Reddit and Breastnexum and other mistruths about my “program” being unclear. If you bother to scroll down the page you'll see that the last update was on 11-22-2022 (which is 3 years ago and a far cry from 10 years ago you've stated ).
Hmm I see that now, I suppose then that this forum has a display bug? Apologies, I just looked at the timestamp that I circled in my screenshot above.
(15-02-2025, 09:21 PM)Lotus Wrote: I’ve reviewed your subreddit and see a lot of my science postings and actual experiences being repeated and put in your own words. I’ve seen you mentioned you've spent over 400 hrs of research compiling NBE research, contrast that to my 12 years of proven success (with attached pictures).
I've NEVER asked for donations or charged a fee when speaking with people asking for help… throughout the past 12 years I've spoken with thousands of people offering help, support and love… with no agenda of profiting from others. So much for being a free site when you're making people feel obligated to donate (and charge $10.00 for clients... are you a licensed?) for speaking with you, because you put in 400+ hours of work, what a crock. I don't approve or authorize you (or anyone) to claim my research and knowledge as their own.
Lotus, theres no doubt that you are a gem to the NBE community, and you have absolutely furthered the research on this stuff. But you seem to fail to realize that I credit you in every single instance that I can. This is evident in the DHEA article I've posted. Note also that you did not discover DHEA. It's been used in the transgender community way before you started posting about it. Still who cares???? We are doing this to further the field of NBE, not fight over who is credited about it. And still, I credit you.
My site brings incredible value to people. I'm not going to tell some 19 year old girl to read through 700 pages of a breastnexus forum, when I can just tell her what she needs to know. The value I offer her is an immense time-savings.
I do put substantial effort into NBE research myself. I'm extremely well versed in endocrinology. As I build my resource, I spend hundreds of hours validating everything I read. And when I validated some of your claims, they came out to be wrong. For example
Red Reishi, to be used as an anti-androgen requires
triterpenoids, but you solely focus on
polysaccharides. Polysaccharides are required for the immune boosting benefits.
(15-02-2025, 09:21 PM)Lotus Wrote: Btw, I introduced Aloe Vera in capsule form on breastnexum and our sister site Breastnexus years ago… And yet it shows up on NBE reddit using my research… which my research gets copied over there too. Guess what, Aloe Vera in capsule form turned out to be a dead end. Best to use it topically for any results.
Aloe vera is a substance that is promoted by SurferJoe, who is not "on that site." He is on THIS site, breastnexus, for 10 years like yourself.
Why do you feel that you need to be the only one who dictates what is used and what isn't? SurferJoe doesn't promote Aloe vera in capsule form, he promotes it in FREEZE DRIED form, and in massive amounts that are only possible by taking it as a raw powder.
This isn't a battle. Nobody is competing with each other. You might have "found" aloe vera (which I didn't know, but not surprised), but other people
are allowed to improve upon it. Again, I didn't know that you "found" it but, if you are insistent on claiming the "research rights" for this, point me to the post and I'll happily credit you for it in my aloe vera article.
(15-02-2025, 09:21 PM)Lotus Wrote: I have yet to see any significant breast growth from the programs offered by the folks who run that subreddit. Saponins (aka Emulsifiers)-
“Preliminary research has uncovered a link between emulsifier consumption and increased gut inflammation, food allergies, and risk of certain types of cancer”
That's okay that you haven't found growth from it, I can vouch for the fact that it does help with growth. Many of the women I work with directly attribute their growth to these products. In all my time working in the community, nobody has ever reported side effects like those listed in the link you've provided.
Again, SurferJoe promotes the idea of saponins, and I agree that I can't find much scientific info on how that would help. Nonetheless, Fenugreek and Shatavari have shown to be effective in the method that SurferJoe promotes them.
Having multiple efforts in NBE isn't bad at all, it's good. If everyone followed your method, then it would simply result in an echo chamber, and echo chambers are bad. We should take learnings from each community effort and work together. Not squabble over things like this. You should be happy that there are people finding success with other methods, even if you yourself didn't benefit from it. This is how we grow together.
(15-02-2025, 09:21 PM)Lotus Wrote: Hopefully you'll find some useful information on the latest discoveries used here at BN (in this thread). Research starts on page 15-16. Start off with the most recent postings and work backwards if that helps, you'll find most of the recent pictures doing so. Good luck and happy growing. 
I've already read through 500+ pages of this thread over the last few years. And as I said, I had to validate a lot of your claims and your research, much of it I didn't agree with the interpretation. Also it's kind of a waste of time to read research from 10 years ago, especially when you often come to new conclusions 10 years later. Like how you first hated the idea of bovine ovary, but later on came around to liking it.
And I absolutely find these threads valuable. There's nothing new about your DHEA/Progesterone/Estrogen topical plan, I've known for a while now that E2 promotes IGF-1 sensitivity. But I absolutely enjoy seeing you and those close to you refine and hone these protocols, and hyper-target their efficacy. It's very exciting.
Also I like seeing that this team is finding new ways to use Red Clover, and when I get around to doing my Red Clover article, I absolutely will come here to check out how you've progressed with it. Of course I will also do my own scientific research to validate all of your claims, but I enjoy seeing the fruition of your TCP method, and I'm rooting for you entirely.
Also, you come across as extremely hostile about the /r/NBE community. This shouldn't be the case. There is no one-way/right-way to approach this, and everyone should see this as a learning opportunity. If you are adamant about being credited for Aloe Vera, then I'll talk to SurferJoe about making sure to credit you in his regimen.
Edit: I'm not sure whats going on with the insane amout of line breaks/white space. I've tried fixing it but it keeps coming back.